Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Diagnosis I’m expecting…

…impetigo… Off to the doctor once again tomorrow… see the rash between Ayden’s nose and lips… that’s what I’m assuming it is. A child at daycare was diagnosed with it a few weeks ago. Could have come from him/her, could be because of his cold, or maybe he does really have strep?!

In any case, we started to notice it later this afternoon (kept him home from daycare again today because we wanted to get some antibiotics in him for his ear infection, and by the way, he is acting MUCH more like himself tonight) and looks like we will be keeping him home tomorrow and Friday too.

Worst part… I read (and heard) that impetigo is pretty contagious, hope Jay and I don’t get it!


In any case, he’s still a little cutie in the picture!

Off to try and study for my last final tomorrow!!!