Monday, October 13, 2008

Another Not Me Monday!!!

Props goes to McMama over at for starting this whole thing, it is pretty catchy!!!

Here are my 'Not Me's'...

I did not go into Shopko looking for a halloween costume with Ayden and then tell him that if he was good that we would get some candy on the way out. And it wasn't me who proceeded to buy two bags of M&M's (telling Ayden that we could practice our sorting and counting) and two Hershey's bars because they were on sale, and a pack of air heads for Jay. And I did not let Ayden eat two of the air heads and I did not eat one even though they were for Jay and I also did not eat a Hershey's bar and Ayden and I both ate our M&Ms all BEFORE supper on Friday! Definitely not me!

I did not waste away the morning on Sunday watching a movie on TV and tell myself that I had all afternoon to work on my lesson plan and I did not continually put off my lesson plan until almost 5pm because I certainly did not have the house to myself for most of the day.

I did not only send one pair of extra clothes with Ayden to his grandma's house because of course he wouldn't get them dirty and then have nothing to wear. Luckily though, he didn't get them dirty and everything was okay.

I did not leave our patio furinture out yet again for another weekend because you know, when I say I'm going to do something two weeks ago, I get it done right away!

I did not cry when I was told that my computer was unfixable and I lost all my materials. Because crying would be breaking down and really none of my stuff was all that important, was it?

It wasn't me who was thankful that I didn't have to buy a new computer because that meant I could get a new camera sooner. I did not immediately search different kinds of cameras that I might be interested in getting.

I did not call Jay about 4 times while he was gone on Sunday to see what time he would be home at to guage how much longer I had to procrastinate and watch TV before actually doing something.

I did not leave the laundry in the dryer last night and say I'd fold it with the next batch because I always fold the laundry when it is done and right out of the dryer.

And I did not rejoice when my client did not show again today because it lightened the work load for me this week because I should want my client to show up so we can get some progress made. And I will not sit back and relax tonight because I don't have any data to interpret.

All for now... maybe an additional post later!