Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Week Half Over

Jackers... I cannot believe that it is the end of Wednesday ALREADY! These weeks just seem to be flying by and there isn't anything I can do to make them slow down. I've just been super busy that I really haven't been enjoying the first half the semester. But what is there really to enjoy about school? Just the seeing the friends part...

Today was pretty good. I took my Diseases test this morning online and got an A on it which was pretty good. Got done with that and went to work for a little while and then had my 11am class and then back to work again. After work I had a short meeting with my supervisor about changing therapy time and I think after a call to the clients mom that we have everything sorted out again, at least for next week. I think this new time might be better for both of us though so that is good. I also emailed the clinic director about the aud practicum and she said that maybe we could work something out. We will see...

I watched my clinic videotape today, but wouldn't you know it... something happened and THERE IS NO SOUND!!! I filled out all the questions before I went to view it and that was like five pages of writing and so I am going to talk to my supervisor because I really don't want to do that over. It took long enough the way it was. I don't have the extra time!

I could write so much more, but I know that Jay is kind of wanting to get on his computer and I hate keeping him from it. I should really be doing homework, but it is not due tomorrow so that means just one more day to put it off, right? Maybe a little more tomorrow night...