Friday, October 24, 2008


Hmmm… the morning started out pretty good today, despite the fact that it was rainy and crappy and dark out when I left to take Ayden to daycare. Not liking that so much, and then walking in the rain to work, yes I did bring my umbrella. And then work being closed, but I guess I kind of expected it because it has been closed the last three Friday mornings that I’ve gone to work. So that was okay. I have an advising meeting today after my first class so that cuts out another hour of work for me today, oh well though, just one less time that I have to walk back and forth in the rain.

Jay was originally going to have to work late today because he had a meeting early this afternoon that would have prevented him from going to work at his normal time, but because of the rainy weather it looks like he might not have to work at all. I am not keeping my fingers crossed though because they are super behind so his boss just might make him come in. Ha, he would probably have him come in tomorrow instead. I can’t remember if I mentioned this last week or not, but Jay’s co-worker said that he was going to come on and work on a Saturday so that they could catch up a little bit. So then Jay’s boss turned to Jay and asked him what time he was coming in. Huh? Was that a, You have to come in, I want to know what time! Well, Jay told him that he wasn’t coming in and that he already had plans. He didn’t think his boss was too happy about it, but it is not something Jay could get fired over. If his boss would have asked if he could have come in and maybe earlier in the week I know that Jay would have obliged because he is just nice that way. He goes in pretty much whenever his boss calls in the winter… at any time… which mostly because of the snow is like at 1 or 2am, but that’s the job and Jay likes it. He just doesn’t care for the getting up early and working and then having to make it to school later.

Speaking of winter, they are calling for possible snow flurries on Monday! I refuse to believe it! It is too early for snow and I really didn’t want any before my cousin’s wedding because snow just adds ickiness (yes I made that a word) and I just don’t like snow and really, that is pretty early for snow. Snow makes for work for Jay in the winter which makes for more money for us, but I really HATE driving in it!!! HATE IT HATE IT HATE IT!!! And I would really like for the weather to be half way decent for trick or treating next weekend. Ayden is getting more and more excited, as am I. We still don’t know the time of it yet, but oh well.

I’ve been on the fence about going home with Jay and Ayden this weekend. Originally I wasn’t going to go and have some me time alone at home and be able to catch up on a few things and yada yada, but now that I didn’t have clinic yesterday I don’t have anything that needs catching up on and I don’t have any papers or anything that are due so I think I might go. One of Jay’s aunts that lives in Iowa is coming to visit and of course I’d like to see her and her family, and I’m sure they’d like to see me as well (either way they’d see Jay and Ayden- and isn’t Ayden the only one that really matters, lol). But sometimes it just feels like such a waste of a weekend because I never get anything done while at home. Obviously besides visiting with the family. Ha, I complain too much, don't I? Well that is the point of this whole bloggy/journal thing, to get my frustrations out and to vent, well that and to tell awesome funny stories about my adorable son, Ayden! It keeps me sane and I have to say that I've really enjoyed being able to do some sort of 'journal' again over these past couple of months. I find an outlet with writing and it really helps! And it might even be mildly entertaining to those who keep coming back for more, lol! Something about it has to be catchy!

Speaking of blogging, there was this blog that I was a lurker at. I wouldn't check it everyday, but I'd say a few times a week. It was quite different from most of the blogs that I follow, but I think that was one of the things I really loved about it. The woman who wrote it was great and funny and awesome. And I didn't even know her! Well, I checked it the other day only to find out that due to reasons she cannot explain, she will have to stop blogging. I was sad to read that, as were a lot of her other 'followers' because it was such a great blog. I have an inkling as to why she cannot continue with her blog and I completely understand her and her decision, it was just kind of a bummer. You know? I stay current on a few blogs (a few people I do know it 'real life' and a few that I don't) but even though most of the ones that I follow, I don't know, I someone feel kind of close to them. Is close the right word? I don't know, but I get excited for them and feel sad with them, and so on and so forth. It's weird, but I'm sure many other people feel like that as well. So maybe I'm crazy or maybe not, or maybe we are all crazy in this blogger world.

Here are a few pictures from our recent pumpkin carving adventure…

DSC03686 Hmm… so many choice. Which one do I choose? I really want the spider one, but we have two other pumpkins. This one maybe, or wait, this one, what about this one?

DSC03690 I found one, I found one! Mommy, how about this one!


You mean I have to stick my hand in that stuff and pull it out. Okay, I will give it a try. Icky, I don’t think I like this stuff, maybe daddy should finish this part!

DSC03698 I’ll take over the punching the pattern part. It’s clean and easy and perfect for little guys like me!


Here’s the hard part. I had daddy help me with most of it. I was even nice and let him do the hard parts all by himself!

DSC03709 Check out our finished product, pretty neat, huh? We have two more to carve! Wonder what they will be!