Monday, October 27, 2008

Another week… more Not Me’s!

Like I said yesterday, pop over to to see MckMama’s (the starter…) and many others!!!

I did not start my Not Me's early because I wanted to have a nice long 'fun' list of them for fellow bloggers to have fun reading...

I did not put Ayden on a time out for not getting dressed in the morning after I asked about a half dozen times to get dressed, and I did not put him on time out WHILE he was naked, and then told him too bad when he decided he then wanted to get dressed. And I most certainly did not make him sit there for the full four minutes and ignore his pleas to get up and get dressed...

I did not call the driver behind me an a** when he decided to go straight, but went in the wrong lane and almost cut me off... because every driver knows what lane to go in for turning and going straight and I definitely always go in the right lane...

I did not sleep until 10am Sunday morning because I had the house to myself and could do what I wanted because I do not sleep in whenever I get the chance!

I did not secretly rejoice when my client did not show on Thursday because it gave me extra free time and I do not like extra free time at school because I most certainly always get some every day!

I did not tell Jay that he could go hunting and then get mad when he decided to go and left me home alone with Ayden because it’s not as if I ever get to leave the house and do what I want without feeling guilty about it…

And then I did not miss my boys tons and tons when they went home for the weekend and I decided to stay in Point to get just a bit of ‘me time’ and I didn’t wish I would have gone along only a few hours after they left…

I did not sit in bed last night watching old episodes of Prison Break because I just wanted to see a little bit more of my Wentworth because it will not be on tomorrow… and I so did not think he was SUPER GORGEOUS because I don’t oogle actors like that, no never!

I did not immediately drop everything I was doing the second Ayden walked in the door after getting home, scoop him up, and plant a big smooch right on his cheek and hug him like no tomorrow because I’m not one of those moms who misses her children terribly the second they are out of sight. Oh wait, who am I kidding, I am SO one of those moms!

I did not go and get my clinic grade this morning and did not worry about what it would be... and I did not look at the grade and think, WOAH, this has got to be some sort of mistake, because I most certainly did not get a 100% for my midterm grade for clinic!!! Yeah, that's right... 100%!!! How not stoked am I? Totally not stoked!!!

I did not hope that my client would not show today, but then did not get equally as excited when they did because I really do love playing with him.

I did not hit the snooze button on my alarm clock this morning because I wanted JUST 15 more minutes of sleep. I dispise the snooze button, so it could not have been me that hit it this morning, never!

I did not plan a meeting with my diseases class group to work on our paper next week and then a couple minutes later remember Jay has a meeting that same day and so I need to stay home to watch Ayden. And then I did not proceed to keep this fact from my group for the fact that maybe I could get out of the meeting. In actuality, I will tell them about it, bring up the option of bringing Ayden, or just email them my part so they can work on it without me.

I did not order a new camera last night from Amazon because it was not $100 cheaper than Best Buy and it's my Christmas gift and well we aren't even in November yet. But I did tell Jay that I promise not to use it until we sell my old one. And I am not going to try and sell my old one at more than it is probably worth because I do not want to get a little bit of profit out of it and no one ever does that, right?

And I am not writing the rest of my Not Me's at work because I do not have anything better that I could be doing, oh wait, we got all of our 'important' stuff done last week and I really don't have anything better I could be doing. I love my job!!!