Thursday, October 23, 2008

Wouldn't you know...

Jack- looks like my client was a no show again today. Okay, not looks like, was! But that is okay. Sometimes I just wish that they would let me know ahead of time, like before I get all dressed up for therapy, before I set up the room, and before I let my observers know all about what we are going to do. It's not so much that I care, but it sucks for them because they took the time out of there day to schedule some observing time and here they wait for about 15 minutes and then I have to let them know that there will be no session. I know exactly how they are feeling because it has happened to me many of times, but it still really sucks and well I hope that they are able to make up that time at some point because I know that during your other undergrad classes that you need to have so many hours by a certain time and what not. In any case, it gives me a few free extra minutes this morning.

I wanted to take a second and let all of my faithful blogger readers, and those who happen here by happen stance, that my cousin, Amanda had a baby boy last night. She blogs as well (many of you probably have found me through her)... so check out her blog at and read all about her and her amazing family (and see pictures of her adorable three daughters!). Also, check out my cousin's blog (Amanda's sister, Amy) to see some updates on the baby-while Amanda is still in the hospital, and maybe some pictures later today (and read all about her upcoming wedding on November 8th!!!) at

So, because I don't have clinic today, that means I don't have to worry about doing any clinic work tonight like I thought I was going to have to do. That means, I am free to watch Grey's and ER and not worry about A THING! It also means that after I am done with work, I am free to enjoy the afternoon with Ayden. It feels good to have no pressure to get anything done tonight and just relax and let the brain chill for a little while.

I got an email from my friend Kristi last night about the online class that we were going to take together. She talked to our advisor and apparently it is going to cost us an extra $800 to take the class. Now, I need to talk to her and the advisor about this to see if that is an $800 out of our pocket or what it is because I think it might be just added on to our tuition. I don't know though. I looked at some financial stuff and well need to look into it a little bit more.

Night time now... our afternoon was pretty good. We decided to go to the corn maze this afternoon and it was fun. I was stupid and didn't take any pictures, but oh well. It was going to cost us $9 to do the maze, but the lady let Ayden get in for free which was really nice. I was surprised at how much they charged for everything there. It was kind of ridiculous, but oh well, we got to do the corn maze so that was fun. We got 'lost' for a while and then Ayden was getting tired so we found our way out. We also got some carmel apples before leaving, but they weren't fresh so that kind of sucked. Still good, but not what I was looking forward to.

After the corn maze we stopped at Menards so Jay could look at something and then we started talking about our options for supper. Jay decided that he was hungry for pancakes (Menards is convienently located next to an IHOP) and so we ended up eating there for supper. It seems like we have been eating out way too much (well just twice in the past two weeks) but it starts to add up. The food was good, but none the less we need to start watching it a little more. Oh well...

And then we headed home and relaxed for the rest of the night. I'm patiently waiting for Grey's to start in about five minutes. Just got Ayden off to bed, teeth brushed and story read and he's happily playing for a little while. Jay's probably off to play his game for a little while and I'm going to relax and think about nothing and let the brain do nothing...