Sunday, October 5, 2008

Cracking the Whip n' Gettin' er Done!

Jack! What a good weekend it has been and fast! I'd say great, but the weather today definitely was kind of sucky. It started out okay, but about halfway through it, it started to rain and pretty much hasn't let up since. We had a busy fun filled Saturday yesterday. The morning was spent lounging around the house until about 9:30 (I know, super late on a Saturday morning, right? Lol.) Then we started to get ready for the day and Jay ran to Mills to get his bow hunting license and after he got back we had to head to the grocery store to pick up some treats for Ayden's soccer game. It was our turn to bring treats. Ayden decided on some juice boxes, granola bars, and fruit snacks. Good enough, eh? The kids seemed to like them. This was my first Saturday being able to watch the whole soccer game and I was so excited!

Ayden played great again and this week his friend Seth decided to join him on the field. I think Ayden and Seth had more fun running around with each other than actually getting into the game, but that is okay. As long as they had a good time. The first fifteen minutes was spent warming up and then they had about a half hour game. Technically it ended in a tie, but who really was counting? Not me... but the dad standing behind us sure was. UGH! Talk about competitive and WAY too into the game. Seriously, I could have knocked some sense into that guy- the kids are 4 and 5 for crying out loud, just let them have fun! And if he wasn't standing behind us he was out on the field trying to get pictures. Literally, OUT ON THE FIELD in the middle of the game! It's a good thing that we don't play his kids team next week! I'm just glad that Ayden is having fun with it, that is all I care about. Okay, well I would be super excited if he happened to score a goal as well, but I'm not going to be 'coaching' him on what to do and what not to do.

After soccer we made a quick dash to the truck because we had to make it to Sherwood in exactly an hour and a half, and we were 6 minutes late in leaving in the first place and then had to drive all the way through town before we hit the open road. Timing was close, but we made it to the farm thingy at exactly 1pm, the time that they were going to stop serving food. So, we got our lunch and then decided to hit the tour. My mom, me, and Ayden had taken it last year so we kind of new what to expect, but Jay didn't. Not that it was anything spectacular or whatever, but it was fun. We got to feed some sheep, goats, Ayden got to ride a horse again, and Ayden and I milked a cow! I was surprised that he wanted to this time and was excited that he tried it! And then we got to see some baby pigs and pet them. Super cute! And after the tractor ride we went and picked our pumpkins. We got some pretty sweet ones this year and Ayden is excited to carve them! We will wait a week or so yet, but I'm excited too. He is getting old enough to really get into the stuff so that is cool. I don't know if I mentioned it or not yet, but I haven't decided if we are going trick or treating yet or not. I need to see if my sister wants to come home for it because we have sort of started a tradition where we goes with us. We've been trying to get Alexis to come with us these past couple of years, but it hasn't happened yet. Maybe this year... but then I guess that I have to get moving on that costume thing, eh? Maybe he can where the same one he did last year. All the ones for boys this year are not what I would put Ayden in. Who knows... I'm sure we will come up with something though!

Anywhoo, back to Saturday... after the pumpkins, Ayden and I went back to my mom's house to chill and Jay did a little bit of hunting. He didn't see a thing which was kind of disappointing, but oh well. We stayed at my mom's and ate supper and had some super yummy brownies and left about 7:15pmish and managed to get home shortly before 9pm. The drive back was nice, but I was so tired. Jay had originally wanted me to drive, but I didn't want to and maybe it was a good thing because I could barely stay awake the way it was. When we got home we pretty much all crashed and semi slept in this morning. I love the weekends!

Today was spent cleaning and avoiding homework. Oh wait, I did write a three page paper this morning for my diseases class. It was on hearing so that was kind of nice because that is what I am studying. Speaking of that, my brother had and is going to have again surgery on his ear. Once again, maybe I mentioned it before, but in any case... I had to find out from actually seeing the stitches on my brother at Alexis's birthday party. Apparently my mom swears she told me because that is what my field is, but maybe I have multiple personalities and a different one was out at that time because I DO NOT REMEMBER! So, he has a cyst behind his ear drum that needs to be removed. It was really interesting to hear all about it because like I'v mentioned, it is my area of study. I'd love to go to all of his doctor appointments and what not to learn more about it and I most certainly would try if we lived closer, but in any case... for those of you who read this and actually know my brother, it's absolutely nothing to be concerned or worried about because otherwise I'm sure the news would have gone around the family before. Heck, maybe it already has and I'm the last to know, lol! My mom says that his hearing should be much improved after it so that is good, and he has a super sweet girlfriend to take care of him as well.

And for those of you who care, my paper turned out pretty good, at least I think so. I've been procrastinating on my lesson plan for Wednesday. I don't need it done until Tuesday morning so I don't really have to work on it tonight, but I thought that I might get a start on it because Prison Break is on tomorrow night, along with John and Kate Plus 8. I don't have any other pressing assignments due this week so my only major worry is clinic stuff. That is always nice!

My friend was supposed to call me last night, but he never did. Kind of irritated. I don't mind if someone says, I'll try and call tomorrow, but when someone says, I'll call tomorrow at 9pm, CALL! Nothing I can do about it now though, but whatever, right? Maybe he will call tonight, or maybe not. Like I said, nothing I can do about it. Just a little bit irritating...

Time to go and get Ayden out of the bathtub and see how wrinkly he is. He loves bath time! CIAO! LOVE ME!


amanda said...

sorry to tell you, but i totally knew about the surgery. it was the same day as my purse party...maybe you were so consumed with the fact that you had to miss your fav. cousin's party you forgot about 'just your brother's surgery'. :0)