Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Changes again?!

Argh... just when things are getting 'settled' for my clinic schedule things are starting to get all goofy again! I thought that after our change for this week, things would be all good, but then now it is probably going to be changing AGAIN! It's time like these that I wish I wasn't in this major at all. Everyone else is getting halfway through the semester almost (seriously, we are like on week 7 of the semester and only 8 more weeks left!) It is really flying by! And I just got done checking my email and got all excited about the possibility of doing an audiology practicum in the spring because the clinic is going to offer one this coming spring, until I got to the part from the clinic director that says it will be in addition to our speech practicum as well. She explained a little bit about the aud practicum and it would be an hour a half direct clinic work and then a meeting each week, so we are talking about 2-3 hours of extra work per week in addition to the 3+ hours that we already have to put in with our current speech clients. In any normal circumstances I might be inclined to take advantage of this opportunity because it would/could be very beneficial to me, but I cannot afford to send Ayden to daycare for an extra three hours, or more, in the spring seeing that during school hours we have to pay for daycare now. Our childcare assistance has ran up for the hours that we attend school, however thankfully, we will still get some assistance for the hours while we are at work. I had previously looked at my potential spring semester schedule and it looks like I might be able to get Ayden in for only part time in the spring which would save us about $50/week, which is about $200 per month. That is $200 that I really don't/can't afford to spend just to get some additional clinic work that I will still be getting as a first year grad. Ugh, oh I don't know! I might email the clinic director and talk to her about my situation and maybe (although I highly doubt it) something could be worked out where I don't have to do two speech clinics because of my 'special circumstance'. Lol, like that would happen, nice dream though, right?

Other than clinic possibly changing again, this week has been going pretty well I guess. I found out some rather interesting/exciting/depressing news today from two of my friends. I found out one of my friends is expecting her second child. She is excited and scared at the same time. It's definitely understandable and I hope that she knows she has all of us here for her. I didn't really get a chance to talk to her about it because we were in class at the time, but I hope she finds some peace with it. It was unexpected, as she has two more years of school in front of her, but God works in mysterious ways... I also found out that one of my other friends left her boyfriend this past week. She is back at home for the time being, but said that if things do not change and soon she will be gone for good. It's a complicated situation and they have been together for longer than Jay and I... I hope that she discovers what is right for her and their son and that all works out the way it is supposed one... once again, God works in mysterious ways...

Jay has been experimenting last night and tonight with his dad's homemade pasta maker and I have to say that it has turned out rather good. I love homemade pasta, there is just something about it that makes it so yummy! That, and I love anything PASTA! Carbo loading, right?!

Prison Break was not on last night... I was sad! I should have known that baseball would have screwed me over sooner or later and here I was all excited for it! But it gave me a chance to watch some of my other shows instead of putting them off for another day. Tonight I haven't done a whole lot besides play with Ayden. I found out today that one of my essays due this Friday was pushed back a week which is great, and that the test in that class might be getting pushed back as well! I have a therapy progress report/revision due on Friday which shouldn't be too bad. I also have to critque my video that I did today. I had to tape my session today and well I don't think it went all that well. In actuality, the client did talk a lot, but I think I was pushing out the activities and because I didn't have one of the toys that I was planning on using (another clinician was using it) I had to use something else and it just didn't go as I would have liked.

I have a test to take in the morning (the nice thing about this is that I get to sleep in for an extra 45 minutes)... online and open book and notes which is good, but I need to take my time because the last one I didn't do as well as I would have liked or probably could have. Thankfully my 8am class is cancelled so I can stay home and take the test. I don't think I will be doing anything else tonight besides relaxing and probably going to bed early because I am pretty tired. I stay up too late! Tomorrow will be my video critque and then a meeting after that at 5:30. Hopefully Jay can get home from work a little early and then I will have plenty of time to get my video critque done and maybe even work on my revisions for my therapy report. Depends on how motivated I am...

I cannot WAIT to get my computer back this weekend. It sucks having to 'share' a computer with Jay because I feel like I am using too much time and well I would just like to do things on my computer again. I guess that is all for now... CIAO! LOVE ME!