Friday, October 17, 2008

Had to get better…

Jack, my day started out pretty crappy… first I went to drop off my lesson plan and all of the clinic doors were locked, ugh, then I walked across campus to go to work and that was locked as well, no receptionist so I couldn’t even get in, ugh, so I went to the University Center for a little while and then back to work, where it was finally open. I worked for about 40 minutes before I had to head off to my first class. But before I went to my first class, I dropped off my lesson plan, and this time the clinic was open. Dropped off my lesson plan and made it through my first class with no hitch. It was actually pretty interesting, and I’d have to say usually is because it is an Abnormal Psychology class.

After the psych class, it was off to the computers in the clinic to finish up my progress report, but unfortunately all of the computers were being used (mind you, we have about 8 computers down there). Luckily, one of my friends was on one and I asked her to come let me know if someone happened to get off so I could get on (I was going to be in the next room) and thankfully within a few minutes she let me know that one of the computers had opened up. I finished my progress report (cross your fingers that it is good) and then headed off to my second class.

Oh wait, before my second class, I turned in my progress report and my supervisor just happened to have my lesson plan looked at already and it included a sticky noted saying that I was being ‘promoted’ to a shorter lesson plan format. She said that I should see her about it, but I’m thinking anything to do with being ‘promoted’ is a good thing, right? I will talk to her about it on Monday before my session.

My second class went well today, got some laughs in and I was able to talk to my friends for a little bit before hand which helped make my day a little better. It started pretty shitty… and after my second class it was off to work again for a few hours.

Home now with Ayden and ate some yummy left overs for my late lunch. Ayden is watching Jurassic Park right now and I am checking out some new things on my computer. It came with Vista and I am still getting used to it. My mom said I should still get XP on my computer (even though most new ones come with Vista now), and Jim said he preferred XP over Vista, but it was really a personal choice. I decided to just go with Vista and I have to say that it is pretty neat. I’ve heard about all of the problems in the past with it, I hope that they are for the most part sorted out. Jay’s friend, JT, has Vista on his computer and he loves it. I have to say that so far I am loving it too. Although, I still have no programs on it yet.

The YMCA is having a free community night tonight, I think I might have mentioned that yesterday, and I wanted to go swimming with Ayden, but he is adamant about not going. I don’t know why because he loves the water slide there, but he gets really upset when I mention us going, so I guess we are not going. I will ask a little closer to the time that it starts to see if he still says no. He said that he wanted to go to the one that was outside, but obviously we cannot do that. I’d love for the weather to be nice and warm again so that we could, in due time, right? So we might just end up spending the night at home, which in hindsight really isn’t all that bad, is it?

I have a dress fitting tomorrow morning for my bridesmaid dress. Should fit perfectly, at least that is what I am expecting. Then it just needs to be steamed or whatever it is they do to it to get out all the wrinkles and then picked up before my cousin’s wedding and then it’s wedding time! Fun fun fun!!! It kind of sucks living so far away…

Actually, I was thinking about that the other day on my walk to work. If I found some great job opportunity in my home town would we move back there and take it? Would I want Ayden to grow up in Chilton? Well, here is what I came up with… I guess the whole thing would be just how good the offer was. If it was good enough for me to afford driving from like Darboy or Appleton each day to Chilton to work , then maybe, probably… but I don’t really want to ‘live’ in Chilton. Although it is a great small town to raise a family in, just after living in Point, it’s too small for me. I like being anonymous here in Point where no one knows my business and doesn’t really care either. Not that everyone in Chilton would know my business either, but word travels, especially if you are part of the Hoerth family because they are so big the way it is anyways.

But in all reality, if the job was that good and I had nothing else and Jay wasn’t doing super great here, we’d move back… because supporting my family is what matters. I never said I couldn’t live in Chilton, it just wouldn’t be my top priority. And watch, now that I’ve written this, when I graduate in another four years, we will move back, lol! Right now, I’m loving life in Stevens Point, even if it is an hour and a half away from family. We’ve survived three years already, what’s another four?

So, Jay was on his stupid computer game from 9pm last night until 4:30am this morning. Yes, you did read that right… I did not mistype! When I woke up at 4am and realized that he wasn’t in bed I thought that maybe he’d fallen asleep on the couch. I was going to leave it at that, but then I had to go to the bathroom and came out and realized he was STILL on his computer. I could have blown a gasket! And he had the living room light on. That is an extra 5 1/2 hours that his computer was on and the light was on that it didn’t have to be, saying he normally gets off around 11pm or earlier. He’s a big boy and I really can’t tell him to get off his computer, but seriously here, 4:30am is a little long to be on it… that’s 7 1/2 hours of game playing. WAY TOO MUCH! And then he had to get up at 6:30 to help me get Ayden ready in the morning. He didn’t go to bed, he took a nap. And then he had to work all day. Pathetic I tell you! But that is just my opinion. It’d better not start up again because I will get pissed. We will see what he does tonight…

No homework that is technically due on Monday which is nice, but I do have two short papers that are due on Thursday and a test on Wednesday. I already have my next therapy plan mostly written up so I don’t have to worry about that too much. Should be a relaxing weekend, yeah right! We are going home on Sunday for Jay’s brother’s birthday party. Actually we are going home the weekend after that as well and then the weekend after that and even the weekend after that. Then I think we might have a weekend at home and then it’s Thanksgiving already. And I thought that we were done with this whole travelling thing. Guess not…

Thus far the afternoon is going pretty good. I could lay down and rest for a bit while Ayden is watching his movie, but I should really start some laundry. Don’t have that many loads to do because I did two on Monday night, yeah me! I have no idea what we are going to have for supper tonight, we’ve been pretty lazy this whole week.

Jay probably won’t get home from work until late because they have started fall cleanups. The busiest time of the season. He said that they will probably be working late from here on out until the snow comes. Good for the money, but sucks that he will be getting home later now. What can you do though?


Kinda just want to curl up and relax… how about you?