Thursday, October 2, 2008

Quick Tidbit

I'm thinking this might be a short post. I have a TON to get done tonight and don't know how I will manage it all. And I have a test to study for and a paper to possibly start. Okay, not going to start the paper, I know that much. It is due on Monday and I have my article for it, but honestly, I have enough to do tonight. I have a reflection on my therapy session from Wednesday to write, a language sample to finish, and a lesson plan to put the finishing touches on. True to my word, after I got done posting last night I did sit down and work on my lesson plan for a little bit, but I didn't get as much done as I would have liked. I need to type it up yet and add a few things here and there, but should only take me an hour at the most. And then another half hour for the reflection and probably an hour for the language sample. Maybe more for that because I haven't typed it up yet. So at least 2 1/2 hours of work tonight and then need to study for my test tomorrow, which I haven't even looked at!

Needless to say, I think tonight Jay is going to have to do the majority of the 'work' and by that I mean cooking supper and keeping Ayden occupied, and not just with the TV. Jay has a way of doing that and it's not just lately, it's been quite often. He's still playing his stupid computer game. Maybe not as much as he used to, but I still dislike it. And its coming up on a year now that he's had it. You would think that he would get sick of the stupid thing. I have noticed a pattern though. And maybe you might want to stop reading this if you have a fear of TMI (too much information) but I'm gonna share anyways. I've noticed that Jay comes to bed 'early' (before 10pm) if he thinks he might have a chance at 'getting some'. If he thinks he has no chance, he will stay out and play his game until 10pm or later and then come in to bed and go to sleep right away. Now me, I am usually laying down watching TV in bed between 9 and 9:30. That way I let myself have about an hour of down time/me time before I finally decide to go to sleep. You cannot push yourself and do homework until the second you decide to go to bed every night. Really, I don't usually do it at all. I like to be done with homework by 9pm every night. And so, Jay may not have noticed that I've caught on to his little thing and maybe he doesn't even do it consciously, but really it is kind of annoying. Because then on the nights that he thinks that he has some chance and really I don't want to do anything he is irritating the heck out of me when I am just trying to lay down and relax and he keeps trying to put the moves on me. There is no cuddle time that is JUST cuddle time, it's always him trying to make it something more. AND THAT IRRITATES THE HECK OUT OF ME!!! Is it a man thing?!

Off to get some work done now... CIAO! LOVE ME!


D.M. said...

Yes, it most definitely is a "man thing!" Cuddle time means a completely different thing to them!!! Crazy men.