Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Passing on Pittsburgh…

Jackers…I did some serious thinking last night about the whole Pittsburgh thing and well I came to the conclusion that even if I were to apply and have a glimmer of a chance at getting into grad school there, here is where I really belong. It's not that I'm letting the fact that I have a family hold me back, its the fact that I don't want to separate my family. Even it it is a once in a life time thing, it's just not worth it to me. The amount of work and stress and everything else that would go into moving there if anything came up of would not be worth it. I'd be splitting up my family (even if only for a few months) and I cannot do that to Jay and Ayden (because we all know that I wouldn't be leaving my baby behind) and that would mean being a single parent, paying the bills (ie: working), going to grad school, and putting Ayden into kindergarten all by my lonesome. I think... Point is just calling my name. But it is a great opportunity so I hope that some potential audiology grad students can seek the benefit of it, even if it isn't from me or our school (as I think there is only me and one other student going for audiology) from my specific graduating class. So, I’m pretty much decided on that, for now anyways. Maybe some spectacular offer will come past and Point will be offering it!?

This afternoon and tonight have gone pretty well. I had two shorts papers that I had to do this afternoon and I thought it would take me a long time to get them done, but thankfully it didn’t! I got both of them done before 4pm and then I even cleaned/organized Ayden’s room. I’ve been slacking on putting his clothes in his drawers the past couple of weeks. I do laundry, fold his clothes, put them in a basket and then it sits in front of his dresser. Today I finally went through his dresser and took out all the shorts and made room for the pants and then cleaned up the rest of his room. It wasn’t that messy so it didn’t take too long. The living room is what is really messy, but I don’t care about that.

I feel like I’ve had a pretty productive night thus far which makes me feel good. I haven’t been stressed about homework tonight like last night and my PMS level is way down, lol! Although, as I was making supper tonight, I started to feel a little crampy, pretty unusual for me, but oh well.

Ayden has been a great boy tonight, except for about 10 minutes of whining and crying and two time outs. Okay, that doesn’t sound like he’s been good, does it? Here’s the story… we were sitting down to watch a little bit of TV and he starts whining about not wanting his new Diego toy anymore. I told him fine, I will find some other little boy who wants to play with it. Then he found Jay’s change container sitting out and decided that he wanted some of that money. I told him that he could get some if he cleaned up some of the living room. He didn’t go for that and just kept whining about wanting money for his piggy bank. It was quite funny, but trying not to give in to his pleas, I just ignored him. Then he started crying about it. I finally said that it was time for supper.

Ah, supper! Ayden had a lunchable for supper Monday night and last night and he wanted ANOTHER one for supper tonight. Trying to add a little more nutrition to his diet tonight, I told him that he could not have one and that we were going to have something different. That ensued lots of crying and disobeying me trying to get one out of the fridge. Warnings went out and he ended up in time out, however that didn’t go over so well as he kept getting up and running to his room. It was getting to the point where I almost couldn’t carry him back the the ‘time out spot’ anymore because he was getting so heavy. And I almost couldn’t stop laughing. I finally got him to sit on the chair and then he gets up and decides that he wants to sit on the floor instead. Knowing that if I let him get his way once, he’ll try and do it over and over. Back on the chair and another 4 minutes added to the timer. In the end I let him up after 4 minutes and he had finally stopped crying. We talked about why he was there and everything was peachy keen again. He got over the no lunchable for supper and actually ate what we did have like a champ. Btw, we had rice, chicken nuggets, peas, and applesauce.

And during this time, where was Jay? Not home… but hunting, which is where he still happens to be even as it is pretty much dark out! Okay, maybe he is on his way home, but seriously did he have to stay out so long? I guess it was nice that he called to ask if he could go. I didn’t really want him to, but said that he could because I know that he’s been wanting to for a while now and really hasn’t been able to. He went on Monday after work for a little while and got two ducks. He was happy about that!

I have therapy tomorrow morning, 8am! And I’m not really looking forward to it. Maybe they will not show, lol. Okay, so it’s probably not funny, but anyways, at least the client and I get along really well and he has fun when he comes. I like that! We will see how it goes. And then two classes and work and then it’s Friday!

I have a meeting set up for next week with my supervisor to go over a few things. It’s actually kind of nice because this one is after school and after Jay gets home so I don’t have to worry about missing work or anything and trying to fit it in with my otherwise super busy schedule this semester. (Oh, I think I might have just heard Jay drive in!)

As for the rest of the night, I think I am going to write a long overdue letter to a friend and relax in bed. Maybe fall asleep early and chillax. Ghost Hunters is new tonight, along with Criminal Minds as well. Two good shows to choose from, I wonder which one will win?!