Monday, October 6, 2008

A Few Not Me's Monday...

Jack- I'm joining the fun over at again... check it out for lots of good reads!

I don't have many not me's today... I might have more if I really thought about it, but I currently have a lot rolling through my head right now and don't want to really think right now, but here goes...

I did not consider starting my Not Me list early last week so I wouldn't forget all the things that I didn't do last week... nope, not me!

I did not put a movie in for Ayden tonight at 7pm so I could sit on my bed and work on my therapy progress report I most certainly did not catch up on my blog readings instead, nope... NOT ME!

I am not considering trying to sell my current camera at Jay's employer's rummage sale this weekend because I really do not need a new one and if it does sell I will not say that my new one constitutes as my anniversary present because I returned the ring Jay got me. And I will not have them try to sell the camera to some poor soul for $200 (the orignal price I paid for it two years ago) because it is totally still worth that much and they never over price their stuff and scam people.

And I did not hope that my client wouldn't show up this morning because of course we don't really have anything to work on anyways, right?

That's enough for now... I'm having trouble thinking, too many thoughts. I thought that I wouldn't have a lot to worry about this week as far as homework. Just some clinic stuff, no papers, no tests to study for. But instead I remembered that I have a therapy progress report due on Wednesday that I haven't even started and that I have to work on mostly at the clinic because of confidential information. Meaning, I have to fit in extra time for me to be at school when I have no extra time! Because Jay did not have to work today due to the weather I worked a little bit longer than I was supposed to and then hit the clinic for about a half hour to get started on my progress report. I didn't get a whole lot done there and I really should be working on right now, but I cannot get in the mood. I already wrote another lesson plan tonight and a self eval that is due tomorrow. I need to work on my language sample yet some, but that can wait for another day, possibly this next weekend. I have not decided yet, I just know that I don't want to do it right now. Monday's always feel so rushed and all over for me and today did not disappoint. It is a good thing that Prison Break starts in about twenty minutes because I need some relaxing time tonight...

Until next time... CIAO! LOVE ME!