Friday, October 3, 2008

ComD Girlies!!!

Jackers!!! Today was a pretty decent day, even despite the fact that I had a test in the class that I am disliking the most. You want to know why? Because I got to study with MY GIRLIES plus one (we had another classmate study with us who is equally as fun as everyone else). It was great to be able to study with my friends again. I did not realize how much I missed it. Yes, I missed studying with them. But the thing is that we have so much fun while we are studying. We make up acronyms for everything. Today we had the funniest had gestures for remembering the parts of the lower respiratory system- can we say spirit fingers! Guess you had to be there, but seriously, it definitely added fun to my day! And I think I did pretty well on the test as well. It had quite a few errors which makes me wonder if the professor even read the test over before he made copies, but I guess that it works in our favor.

Guess what show starts tonight?! Ghost Whisperer! I totally thought I missed the season premier, but Jay let me know earlier this week that it was on tonight and then my wonderful mommy called me earlier to remind me. How nice was that? So now I secluded myself in our bedroom to blog during commercials and to watch it while Ayden and Jay watch the rest of The Mummy Returns in the living room. Maybe/probably something that Ayden shouldn’t be watching (at least parts of it) but he isn’t exactly sitting down and watching it straight through. He is mostly playing and will stop every now and then to watch it. So I’m super excited to be able to catch the season premier, even though I missed the season finale last spring. I guess it is a good thing that they have a little catch up at the beginning of it. (It’s staring now, watched the catch up thing and still a little confused) but oh well.

Did five loads of laundry tonight! That is what I get for waiting over a week to do it. Ayden was excited to help me with it as well. He loves to help with the laundry, well the putting it in the washer and dryer, but not so much the actual folding. Must get that from me because I don’t like the folding either. Once again I have a load from last week that I have left to fold and put away. Aren’t I good with that?

I turned in my lesson plan and data and what nots from therapy this week. I was pretty nervous about it because I didn’t think I had some original stuff for my activities, but my supervisor thought it was pretty good. She had a few comments about the data that I had come up with, but I was expecting that because I didn’t really know how to count it and come up with a decent percentage and all that. She also gave me her comments from my session on Wednesday and they were all good as well. I liked getting good comments, but I still don’t feel all that good at it. I don’t know. I mean, I know how to interact with young kids, I do it on a daily basis because it’s the favorite part of my day (being with Ayden) but I guess I just don’t see what others see. Hmmm… in any case, I am not so worried about it anymore.

My friends and I have decided that we need to get together at Kristi’s house and attend her wedding. Since none of us could make it we have decided that we are going to get together and watch the video of it and just hanging out and having a good time. I really hope that we can find a time to do this because it’s been WAY too long since we’ve done anything together. We are all just too busy and it sucks! But at least we all want to get together to catch up!

I got a surprise phone call from a friend yesterday! It was super great because I never get surprise phone calls. In fact, I probably only talk on my phone to Jay, Niki, and my mom. Hence the fact that they are respectively inserted into my speed dial as 2, 3, and 4. Anyways, it was a good phone call for the most part. I feel like we had a decent conversation, but really didn’t get to the meat of why he called. He said that he would call again on Saturday and hopefully we will be able to discuss a little more. He said that he had something that he wanted to tell me, but he thought that maybe I would get mad and that he didn’t want to tell me over the phone. Before we got off the phone he said that he would write me about it. I just tried to brush it off at the time… after a couple of years, I know I cannot press him to tell me something that he doesn’t want to. I am curious to know what he might have to say that could make me mad. I think he’s pretty much told me everything there is to tell. I have to say that pretty much the only thing that can make me mad is him confessing to lying about something. We have this open policy to our friendship and tell the truth no matter what. No matter if we know the other person will not like it. It is something that we have agreed upon in the past in order to help our friendship and if I find out that he has breeched that contract, well I don’t really know what I will do. I cannot say that I will end our friendship because that would be pointless, but it would make me think twice about a few things. In any case, I have a sense that he wouldn’t put that part of our friendship in jeopardy. So we will see…

Soccer and then off to Mulberry farm with my mom tomorrow! The weather is looking to be halfway decent and I cannot wait to see a full soccer game. And then we get to see some cows, pigs, goats, and get a tractor ride. And finally we get to pick some pumpkins! After that we are going to my mom’s house and going to stay for supper. We haven’t been to her house in over a month, actually probably since Ayden spent a week there in August. Ayden was set on going to Grandma Michele’s house tonight, but of course we aren’t. We are not going there at all this weekend. Or next weekend for that matter.

The last weekend of soccer, Jay’s parents and aunt Sam are going to come Ayden’s game. My mom might try and make it next weekend or the last weekend as well. Ayden is going to go home with Sam and spend the night at her house. He has never done this before, but when I asked him if he wanted to spend a night at Auntie Sam and Uncle Matt’s house with Copper he sounded pretty excited. Now I cannot be sure that Matt and Copper will be there, but it helped to mention them so he would know who I was talking about. We’ll see how it goes I guess. It will give Jay and I some alone time. That is always nice!

Going to go and really watch Ghost Whisperer now as I’ve been doing mostly blogging and just listening… CIAO! LOVE ME!