Wednesday, October 1, 2008

In a Funk, but overall Good Day!

Seems to me that I'm stuck in a funk right now. Going through the motions of everyday, but not really living it. Or at least that is what it feels like right now. I did absolutely nothing yesterday that involved school and/or clinic work. I worked on a new blogger header (btw, don't you just love? lol) for over an hour while I made Jay give Ayden a bath. Technically it was his 'turn' to give him one so maybe that makes up for it. But not only did I not want to give Ayden a bath, I told my poor sweet innocent child that I had a belly ache so I could just lay down on the couch and rest for 15 minutes and he wouldn't keep asking me to play geo traks with him. I kept encouraging him that he could put the track together all by himself so I wouldn't have to get off that lovely couch and move my body. I don't know what it was about me last night, but I just wasn't in a good mood or feel like doing much of anything. Does that make me a bad person? I'm sure everyone has those kind of days, but it's starting to feel more and more like a trend lately. Or maybe it is just Tuesdays. I'm TIRED and I don't like getting home at the end of the day (okay so 2pm really isn't the end of the day) but anyways, I don't like getting home and then having to worry about mountains of school work and studying to do yet.

Currently my house is once again a mess! Seeing a trend here? I often delegate things for Jay to do when he has some free time at home on Tuesdays and Thursdays and sometimes on Monday and Wednesday mornings, but I decided not to this morning. First, I wanted to see if he would take it upon himself to do anything and secondly after he woke up he stated that he was going to call the doctor because he has been having some pain issues in the sternum/collarbone area for a couple of weeks now and it hasn't gone away, but only gotten worse. So on that stand point I didn't want to give him anything extra to do if he was hurting. How nice am I?

Okay- later at night now and I have to say that despite my more pessimistic mood this morning, it was overall a pretty gosh darn good day. I got candy in my first class and had fun chatting with the people around me. I have to say that in all of my classes this semester there are people that I talk to in them. I am admittedly a shy person and usually don't open up to many people, but this semester is a little different I guess. We got put into groups our first day in my diseases classes and I have to admit that my group is pretty cool. All smart and willing to learn, but also know how to joke around and all. And then I had therapy after that and I was afraid the client wouldn't show, but they did! And I think overall it went good. Mom and dad seemed to think so, so that is good right? And I got good remarks from my supervisor so get ready to make lesson plan number 2! Well first I have to get the data written up for today's session, but I'm excited for Monday!

And then came my social psych class and that is always pretty interesting. I really like the prof and I am most likely going to be taking another class by him next semester. It fits into my schedule nice and well if you like the prof, why not? Right? And in this class I have some new 'friends' if you want to call them that. Aquaintances I guess. It's nice to be able to talk to someone about stuff other than group work. And then it was off to work for a little while, but even that wasn't bad.

Oh and on my way to work I see written on the sidewalk at least a dozen times in different places that Adam Brody (for those of you who know... this is the guy who played Seth on The OC ) and some model were at our campus to promote Barack Obama! A celebrity at UWSP of all places! Too bad I found out after he was gone otherwise I probably would have gone to see him just to say that I had a celebrity sighting, lol! But I couldn't believe it because we are talking Stevens Point Wisconsin here... seriously, of all the places that he could have gone to! So that is my semi exciting news for today. Jay said that it will probably be on the news tonight so I will have to make a point of watching it.

After Jay got home from work today we headed up to Wausau to go to the sweatshirt sale that they have. We are talking truck loads and truck loads of hoodies, college sweatshirts, adias, nike, etc for SUPER CHEAP! We got 9 hooded sweatshirts and three t-shirts (two for Ayden, because he was so good and doesn't like long sleeve shirts or sweatshirts) for under $120! That is like $10 a shirt when normally hooded sweatshirts go for $20 or more at the stores. Sure, I have some college sweatshirts from gosh knows what college, but they look cool and I don't care. I love hooded sweatshirts and needed some more and for that price, heck yeah! And then we went to Arby's for supper. Ayden wanted Mickey D's, but I was so not in the mood for that. And then we thought maybe Subway, but couldn't find one, so it was Arby's which was what I really was in the mood for! YUM! And then back home. That was most of our night... well at least from about 4:45 until almost 7pm. Before that Ayden and I read some books, painted with some water colors, picked up the living room, made the beds, filed almost two months of paper work, colored this t-shirt he got for his birthday that you can color with crayons, and did some cleaning in the kitchen. It was a nice afternoon and I'm in a much better mood than I was this morning. Yeah for today being a good day!

I think I might go get something to drink now, feeling kind of thirsty, and then grab my lesson plan book and try to start next weeks lesson plan so I don't have to do that and study for a test tomorrow night. Hope all my blogger friends had a great day as well and have a great tomorrow!