Thursday, January 22, 2009

5 credits of writing emphasis... have got to be kidding me!!! There is no way on this planet that I am going to take 5 credits of writing emphasis in ONE SEMESTER!!! First off, we only need six to graduate and I will already be graduating with 7... I definitely do NOT need 10 credits of it! So, my lovely Juvenile Delinquency class ended up being a writing emphasis course and I didn't happen upon this knowledge until I actually got to the class. You would have though I might have noticed it when I registered for the class, but hey, that little 'w' they put next to the course didn't tip me off to anything. Seriously... they should really have like a huge thing next to each writing emphasis course so people know this stuff. I do not have the time to write anything more than I already will be for clinic, especially not a 10-15 page paper that involves hours upon hours of research.

So, what did Ashley do? She went immediately to the time table in search of a replacement class. And wouldn't you know what she found... an online class! It is completely online... and it is Music 100! A 100 level class should be SUPER EASY and guess who else is taking it... Jay! Okay, so really he shouldn't be... he should stay in the business class that he has right now (even if he doesn't need it... it would not only boost his overall GPA but his major GPA as well). He stated that it is going to be a lot more work than he wants to do (ie: see my dropped class) and if he doesn't NEED to take it, why bother. He is still trying to get into another class, but hasn't heard from the professor yet. I really don't know about his whole schedule of when he will graduate... I'm a little bummed and upset by that, but I'm not him and not his mom and will not badger him about it. He is an adult and should know better than to screw around because college is money and money is something we DON'T HAVE!

Anyways... we are both going to take this online class and it will be easy! I also found out when my speech client will be coming in... doesn't exactly fit into my schedule like I thought it would, but it works none the less I guess. I was kind of looking for a Tuesday and Thursday slot, but ended up with Monday and Wednesday slot instead. That is okay I guess. Just juggle work around a little more and all will be well. Besides, the time that it is at gives me some extra time to set up and take down which is great. We will be in a room that I was in last semester and somewhat liked. It isn't the big preschool room, but it isn't one of the super small rooms either which is great. Slowly, but surely, this hectic week is getting all sorted out. I'm excited about that and can't wait to get into a good groove. Because I now have an online class... I only really have two classes to worry about on campus which is super nice and they are both classes with friends in.

Oh wait... I didn't get to tell you about this yet... ASSIGNED SEATING IN COLLEGE! Has anyone ever heard of something so crazy! I've been in classes before where you pick your seat and then the professor sends around a sheet and you sign the spot where you are sitting. Then you are stuck there, but really you got to pick it. Well... no no no, that is not what happened in my Hearing Science class yesterday. This being the class with all four of my friends. This being a room with tables that held 5 chairs which meant my friends and I could all fit and have a GREAT semester with each other and learn from each other. In comes our professor and announces that he has assigned seats for us. Someone say what?! We are in college here... not elementary school! Okay okay, I totally see his point behind it. See, some of the class has taken Physics 115 (Acoustics) and some have only taken Physics 100 or 101 or 110 (whatever the number... just regular physics) and he wanted the tables to have a mixture of people so we could all help each other. So, my friends and I got split up! Argh... I am unhappy where I am seated only because it is in the back corner of the room (whereas I prefer front and center because I pay better attention and can see- slight vision problems... have had glasses since I was 3). I probably could ask for our table to be seated in the front, but I don't know how the rest of them would feel about that. I do admit that I am happy with the people at my table. Because it is a required ComD class, I know everyone in the class and have had them in classes for the last three years now. We all get along and are all relatively smart. It should be a good semester, but I am going to miss my friends.

It's been a busy week and I can't wait for the weekend to get my bearings on things again. And need to do a little cleaning as well. Go through last semesters papers and ditch what I don't need. Always a fun thing... purging assignments that I dreaded doing.