Sunday, January 25, 2009

Saw V

If I’ve never told you before, I will now… I am a scary movie fanatic! I LOVE scary movies! I have loved scary movies for as long as I can remember. My mom says it is because she introduced us to them at a young age, which very well might be the cause of my liking them so much. We have almost a whole shelf of DVDs here that could fall into the scary/horror/suspense category…

…Saw, Saw II, Saw III, Saw IV, and most recently Saw V, The Omen, House of Wax, White Noise, Hide and Seek, Boogeyman, It, and Texas Chainsaw Massacre: The Beginning… just to name a few…

So, anyways, while grocery shopping at Walmart this afternoon, Jay happened upon Saw V and of course because we have the first four, we needed the most recent one as well. Our plan after Ayden goes to bed tonight is to cuddle up in bed and enjoy the sadistic gory plot. I’m not expecting this one so much to be scary as it to be gory. I rather prefer the scary to the gory. I can’t stomach a lot of the gory stuff. I don’t literally get sick, but it isn’t my cup of tea, that is for sure.

And, according to VH1 and one of their more recent reality shows, I guess there is going to be a Saw VI because they were having a contest for the leading lady role. I don't know if the show tanked or what not because I never watched it, just saw the previews one day.

Sidenote, I just found out that Prison Break does not return until April 17th… that is more than two months from now! So sad to see that it is going to take that long. I also read that they only have four more episodes to air and possibly a made for TV movie ending. I don’t understand why they couldn’t just keep going back in December with it, especially with only four episodes left. Darn people, lol!

I managed to get my lesson plan done for tomorrow. Technically I don’t need to turn it in until Tuesday afternoon, but I am meeting with my supervisor tomorrow and thought it would be good to have some sort of something written up for her to see. I also got everything sorted out for my other classes so that is swell.