Wednesday, January 7, 2009

New Sookie Stackhouse Book!

I searched the library today and found that they had the next book in my list of series and it was NOT currently checked out! I was so excited that I headed on over there right away and checked it out myself. Unfortunately, they did not have The Lucky One by Nicholas Sparks and there are 39 requests for it… that one might just have to stay on my list to buy. Barnes and Noble gift card… have to spend it some how!

I am already 100 pages into the book… that’s what rest time for Ayden does, and I totally escaped taking a nap today too which rocked. I slept like absolute, well you know, last night and I am contributing it to my afternoon nap yesterday and a few other things. I told myself that I wasn’t going to rest with Ayden today so I would be tired tonight and sleep really well. I can feel the sleep coming on.

So, I started a new blog today… and put some personalized touches on it as well. You know me and jazzing everything up, well to the best of my ability, still not all super smart on this blog making, but that is okay for now…

Anyways, you can find the blog here. I was blog surfing the other day and came upon some bloggers that were doing this thing called ‘Project 365’ (well the most common name for it) and it is about taking a picture/s every day for 365 and posting it/them on your blog. I thought I might give it a shot and see what comes of it. I am going to do my best to do it everyday. Maybe that will be my New Year’s resolution because I didn’t make any. Would have been nice to start it on the 1st, but that is okay… I think it is just going to be cool to have a year full of pictures! Hope you enjoy and feel free to be inspired and start your own!

Time to go and eat some popcorn with Ayden and watch Beethoven 3rd (or is it 4th?)!

Btw, before I forget, we got our second Wii remote today and both Ayden AND Jay both shut me out in tennis! I sucked! Lol!