Sunday, January 25, 2009

Motivation Stagnation

Hmm… does my title even make sense? I don’t know… I wanted to convey that my motivation is lacking and yet make it rhyme. Works for me!

I have been doing everything and anything possible this weekend to NOT do anything school related. I’m even writing this blog post to further put off writing my first lesson plan of the semester. Hey, give me a little credit, I have about half of it done. I’m having a little trouble because with a new supervisor you  never know what he/she really wants and I’m trying to make a good impression. Like I said, she seems lax enough, but I want her to know that I am willing to put forth the effort. Also, I’m wanting another good clinic grade this semester. Even though only half of my speech grade will count for it because I am also doing the Aud clinic. In any case, I’m trying to come up with ideas to do during therapy. So far I have two pretty good ideas/activities, it is just a matter of them lasting long enough. It shouldn’t be too hard this semester because my client loves to play with just about anything. However for the first session I am doing a lot of baselining and not actual teaching so I’m not sure if I should do some other things, like more drill stuff (even though it seems he doesn’t do as well with that).

Today Jay is going to me manicotti for supper. He was supposed to last night, but we didn’t have any mozzarella cheese which we needed and he wasn’t about to go out in the cold for it. Today we had to do some grocery shopping and got some. Yummy manicotti… I am smell it now, even though it isn’t even started.

I also made some yummy rice krispy squares today. I saw the box in the store and started to crave them… not good to go shopping while you are hungry, lol! I’ve already had two! I also covered them in melted chocolate chips which is the best. Actually, you know what would be really good right about now, some of my mom’s yummy caramel bars! I haven’t had those in FOREVER! And they are SO GOOD! And relatively easy to make. I could probably make them myself, but we all know how much I love to cook. Hehe!

Yesterday Jay cleaned out his PS2 and XBox game collection and we traded a bunch in. We/he didn’t get a lot for them, I think about $55 for 16 games. However, he didn’t play any of them anymore and we thought we’d use that money for some Wii games, which is precisely what we did. We got some used Wii games and enjoyed playing those last night. I ordered the Wii Fit online last night still don’t have the Wii Fit, so I can’t vouch for everyone’s fun comments about it, but am hoping to quite soon!

My friend has been having some relationship issues this past week, but things have finally seemed to turn in her favor. She gets herself into some situations that I could definitely not put up with, but being the best friend that I am, I am always there for her. It is nice to finally see her happy about things and not worried about this or that. Hopefully things stay positive for a while. She needs positive energy around her, especially with classes starting this week for her. All is well in that area!

I haven’t talked to another one of my close friends since around Thanksgiving time. We used to email on a regular basis, but after she moved a couple of months ago, she didn’t get internet access. I think we have talked only a handful of times since August which really bites. We were/are really close and I miss our regular emails. I hope all is well with her life! Her little guy turns 2 pretty soon! I can’t believe how fast time flies!

Okay, now that I’ve managed to procrastinate just a little bit more, suppose I should go check on the laundry. I washed all of our winter stuff today because it really needed it, even though I will wash it again at the end of the season before we pack it away until next winter. More procrastination sneaking in… lol!