Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Someone say WHAT?!

Ah, the life of a Communicative Disorders senior who is taking an EXTRA audiology practicum this semester could not feel any more overwhelming on the first day of classes. I technically only had one class today and I shouldn't be feeling this crazed about things, but wouldn't you know, clinic just happens to do that to you! I just found out (as in 20 seconds ago got an email from my new supervisor) that I AM ALONE THIS SEMESTER! This is utterly ridiculous as when I talked with the clinic director before winter break she assured me that because I am taking the aud practicum plus the speech practicum that I would have an easy speech client and would HAVE A PARTNER! Is this seriously happening to me! No kidding, this cannot be happening to me! And this client is scheduled to meet twice a week! Okay, so that is two forty-five minute sessions with a client, an hour meeting with my supervisor, an hour and half aud practicum one a week, and another meeting with a different supervisor all for ONLY TWO FREAKING CREDITS!!! Argh... need to do some venting here! And then to top it off... I'm totally feeling jealous of two of my friends because they were alone last semster (as was I) and they were paired with FIRST YEAR GRAD STUDENTS this semester! Is this totally unfair OR WHAT! Breathe Ashley... this was MEANT to happen and you will make it through this semester with flying colors! You had no control over this and all will be well. Besides, I wouldn't be handed this if I couldn't deal with it, could I? And I did end up with a supervisor who I've had as a teacher before and who my friend had last semester and she totally loved her and thinks I will as well. And my client, well he is pretty much exactly Ayden's age so I am all prepared there with games and toys and what nots. Unlike last semester where my client was a lot younger and couldn't play a lot of the games that I have at home for Ayden. This is going to be fine and give you practice with articulation and can even help you with Ayden at home. Because... well readers, I admit, my son does have a few speech impediments. Nothing that would warrant therapy (besides, why would I take him if I could do it myself), but a few errors that could be worked on.

Anyways, despite everything that I just ranted and raved on about up there, I am excited about this semester. I was just a little let down because I was lead to believe that if I chose to do the aud practicum it would not be twice the amount of work like it is looking like it will be. I mean we are actually going to be tested on stuff and NOT just observing for this thing as well. I am extremely excited that there is only like 116 days left before I graduate! I can make it through this semester... I will make it through this semester... I am strong!

As for my first and only class of the day... it was Social Gerontology and it should be rather interesting. Two of my close friends are in it with me and the class is mostly made up of other students in my major and graduating in May so we all pretty much know each other and it shouldn't be too bad. We only have three tests in the class and one project and a few discussion things. I'm not too worried about it. I have a class tomorrow at 11am and then my night class. We will see how that goes. Should be interesting to say the least... Juvenile Diliquency... took it as an elective and because it fit into my schedule good. My first night class... I will make it through this as well and it is only once a week so that isn't too bad either.