Friday, January 2, 2009


Not so sure what I should use as a title for this post… kind of in a blah mood right now and have been for the better part of the day, at least during the points where I haven’t been reading or playing Wii with Ayden. It is fun to be able to do something with him that is semi active and not outside in the cold. Have I ever told you that I am not a big fan of the cold and my son LOVES being outside?!

Luckily (or maybe it is just me), I have avoided most of the outside activity with Ayden this winter so far. A lot of the days have just been TOO cold to go out and many others we were busy with school and we were gone for the holidays. Plus, I’m sure we have LOTS of winter left so we will for sure get outside at some point.

There is this awesome hill here in Point that people like to go sledding at, but we haven’t been yet. I’ve heard it is pretty busy and I would much rather go back to our hometown and go at the hill by the football field with my sisters (after four years it is still weird to say sisters… most of the time I use sister and Alexis, dunno) and brother. Ayden is at the age where he can pretty much walk up at least half of the hill and then I sort of drag him up the rest. We use tubes as well and we fly down the hill and it is SO MUCH FUN!!! We have a little bit of video from the first year we went when Ayden was just over one I think, or maybe it was two, I cannot remember. Either way, he loves it! It is just too bad that we don’t live closer because we miss our family so much!

Tomorrow is the ornament exchange on Jay’s mom’s side of the family. Ayden gets to see Baden (who is exactly two months older than him) and they always have fun together. They both got cameras for Christmas and I am sure they will have tons of fun with them tomorrow. As well, Jay wants to bring the Wii along and see them play it together. Should be a good time!

As for tonight, I think I am going to try and finish up my book… after Ayden goes to bed. Only about 60-70 pages left so shouldn’t be much more than an hour of reading. I dreamt about it last night, kind of a good dream because I had three wannabe boyfriends in it, lol… know I’ve been reading TOO much when I start dreaming that I am the main character in the book! And then I got the movie Mama Mia from Red Box today and will maybe watch that.

My head has been feeling kind of weird lately… hope it goes away soon!



Anonymous said...

Sounds like a good dream! LOL Were you talking about All Together Dead in your post? I'm going to start From Dead to Worse tonight.

Ashley said...

Yeah, I was referring to All Together Dead... who wouldn't want a weretiger as a boyfriend?!?! :)