Sunday, January 18, 2009

Not so specifically tagged…

…by Amanda… I decided to join in the fun of the ‘tag’ that included a bunch of random facts about me, hope y’all enjoy!

…I am an avid picture taker. Even before I became a mom I was always behind the camera. I’m not a ‘pro’ by any means, but I love taking pictures! I have loads of pictures from my very first cameras!

…I am very anal about many things. I have to wash my face before I go to bed or I don’t feel clean. I have a specific routine I follow in the morning and hate when Jay tries to mess with it. I tend to over organize and it drives Jay nuts!

…I let Jay drive my very first car not even a month after I got it (before we started dating) and we ended up in a wreck and have been together ever since. It’s ironic that we crashed on a road called ‘lover’s lane’ but seriously, WE WEREN’T DOING ANYTHING (other than driving)! Even though people used to always give us that ‘yeah okay’ look…

…I am a reader at heart and my mom and I have a whole ‘library’ of books already. I got my reading from her and hope to pass it onto Ayden. I love all sorts of books!

…I thought in high school that I would never get married or have kids and now I cannot wait to give Ayden some brothers and sisters!

…I love chocolate and pasta anything! Not together of course! Maybe in a past life I was Italian, haha! Fazoli’s will cater my wedding, they do catering you know, lol!

…I hate the cold! It sucks. If I could, I’d live where it was somewhere warm ALL the time and sit outside in a lounge chair/hammock and read forever and ever.

…I am a pack rat and save WAY more than I should. I attach sentimental value onto a lot of stuff. I STILL have the ‘bracelet’ they made us wear at the resort in Punta Cana. I wore it for two months after we got back and finally cut it off because I didn’t want it in my prom pictures. Yes, I’m nutso like that!

…I’m very shy! It may not seem like it on here, or maybe it does. Don’t exactly know how I come off, but I’m not so much a people person. I’d rather not be the center of attention. However, once I get to know you, I definitely open up and you can see more of the ‘real’ me.

…I LOVE to act crazy with my friends and family (ie: Seriously, that monkey jumped yellow flower curtains and beef jerky sticks mud on velvet Kelly Ripa’s dresses! You know who you are!). I don’t mind doing ‘stupid’ stuff because I don’t care what people think. *Short story, in high school a close friend of mine invented sticker days and Hot Guy Friday. During the week we would wear a different sticker on our shirt and on Friday’s we would find a hot guy in a magazine or whatever and wear that instead of the sticker. We did this for probably our junior and senior years and had so much fun with it! Of course we had people who looked at us like we were nuts, crazy, stupid, etc… but we didn’t care! After a while some people even started to look forward to our hot guys and would rate them on their scale of whether or not they thought they were hot or not.

…I am a listener. I love to try and  help my friends with their problems and fancy myself a really good listener.

…And I’m definitely a blogger and blog follower!

If you haven’t happened here through Amanda’s blog or haven’t already done something like this… considered yourself tagged and join in on the fun!