Friday, January 9, 2009

Fab Friday

Our Friday was pretty much like every other day this week, except for the fact that I wasn’t found reading every spare moment that I had. What, you say… no book in your hands. Yes, that is right my faithful readers, I have yet to pick up ANOTHER new book. I am taking a little break and will probably start another one on Monday, seeing we will most likely be gone this weekend.

The plan is to head to Appleton after Jay is done with his tournament tomorrow, get some shopping in, and dine on the lovely cuisine at HuHot! Oh yeah baby! HuHot is definitely calling my name! Actually, Jay is moderately interested in what this place has to offer that I love just OH SO MUCH! He said he likes stir fry and he does like chop suey (sp?) so I’m hoping he likes it as much as me. And if not, well then he doesn’t have to come back with me. I have two cousins who love it just as much! And this time I have to give props to both my cousins, Amanda and Amy, because they were both along the first time I went. And I cannot remember who actually suggested the place. Thanks girls! I am now thoroughly ADDICTED!!! Should be fun… and then we are visiting my mom either Saturday night (if we don’t get home too late) or on Sunday morning and then my dad’s house in the afternoon and back to Point after that. Should be a good weekend!

I so wanted to go outside with Ayden today and play in the snow with him and ride down our big snow pile on our tubes, but wouldn’t you know, my outdoor loving four year old didn’t want to go outside with me. I was kind of bummed because it would have been fun, but also kind of glad because 19 degrees isn’t exactly warm either. Maybe we will go out during the day tomorrow while Jay is gone. Think it is supposed to be about the same temp tomorrow as it was today. Instead, he decides that today will be one of the days that he actually falls asleep during his rest time.

We had quite the meltdown tonight when it was time for supper. Jay made some pizza burgers (yummy!) and Ayden was adamant about not eating them. Jay and I both calmly explained to Ayden that this was what we were having and if he didn’t want to eat it, he could go cry in his room (he was crying at that time). After a few minutes of him crying and yelling some phrases, I told him once again that when he was ready to settle down, his supper was waiting. I also explained that after he ate some of his pizza burger he could have the apple that he wanted. Thing was, if we gave him the apple and pizza burger at the same time, he would eat the whole apple and say he was full. Needless to say, after about 15 minutes of continuous crying, he finally came out and started to eat his pizza burger. He ate about half of it and then I gave him his apple. Despite the fact that I know Ayden is somewhat of a picky eater and that we try to make things we know he will eat to avoid scenes like tonight, he cannot get his way ALL the time and he will have to try new things. He understood that if he wasn’t going to eat then he was going to have to go to bed without supper. I knew he would eat when he got hungry. All settled and no yelling. That is definitely the way I like it!

After supper I shaved my legs and Ayden was content sitting in the bathroom watching me and chatting me up a storm about my shaving cream, razor, cuts on my legs (you didn’t think I’m that perfect of a shaver, eh?), going to Walmart (do we really frequent it that much?), etc… it was just cute to have him in there talking to me. What a kid!

Jay proposed the idea last night of us getting another cat. A while ago I was totally against it… my mom has two cats and not that I don’t like them, but it just makes the house smell more. I thought about it a little bit, not too seriously though. I think it would be nice to have another cat in the house. Get another kitten… just some downsides to that. It costs enough to get them neutered/spayed and declawed from kitten hood plus other vet bills and adopting an adult cat isn’t necessarily all that cheap either. Also, I think Diesel would have a big problem with another cat. He is definitely pretty spunky (for those of you who actually know me and have seen our cat in person) and I don’t think he would get along with another housemate. For now… it’s a no go, but maybe someday. Oh wait, Jay wants a dog someday and I’d like one too. Of course we have totally different tastes. He wants a lab and/or english pointer (he just informed me it is not dog, but DOGS!) and I want a pug! Someday… right?!

Twister (the movie) is on tonight and I am hoping that Jay will get off his computer for a little while and watch it with me. Would be nice to get a little cuddle time in with him this week… damn World of Warcraft. If I could, I would infect the whole damn game system with a virus so no one could ever play it again. It is his form of heroin… seriously! HATE IT! But deal with it… I guess… Won’t let it ruin my night.



amanda said...

for the record i think I suggested hu hot. just for the record you know.

agk11808 said...

correction i made a comment about hu hot while we were driving and you said oh yeah lets go i believe i get the credit!!! just for the record ;)