Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Marley and Me

I’m sure by now, you all have heard about the movie Marley and Me and maybe even the book and maybe have even seen it and/or read the book…

Me… well I am almost finished with the book. I try and make it a habit to read the book before seeing any movie that has come from a book (if it looks like a movie that I might want to see) because from my stand point, the book is usually the better of the two. And I must say, that this book does not disappoint. However, I am excited to see the movie because that too looks really good and I have heard some pretty good reviews about it as well! I hope to finish it tonight! I would have finished it this afternoon had I not fallen asleep on the couch while reading it. I did not sleep very well last nigh for some reason and was pretty tired today.

Our week has been pretty lax as of lately. Starting to become somewhat of a routine which we are going to have to break once school starts again. We get up in the morning… go to work and take Ayden to school. We are done around 11:45 and pick up Ayden (which just happens to be the same time that he gets done with preschool) and we come home to eat lunch. After lunch Ayden gets to play for a little while and then it is rest time. He isn’t required to take a nap anymore (as we are trying to get him adjusted to no naps because he won’t be taking one anymore in two weeks). During rest time he gets to play quietly in his room and sometimes he does end up falling asleep. After rest time, we play in the afternoon, share some cartoons, have snack, etc…

We also recently got the Hooked on Phonics set. I’m not pushing Ayden to learn reading, but I want to work with him a little more than they are at school right now. So we started going over the letters and the sounds that they make. For the past two days we have been listening to a cd with sounds and going through flashcards. I am not going to push him into it, but make it fun and this way I know that he will be ready for kindergarten. Not that I’m scared my child will be behind or that Ayden is in any way behind other kids his age, but I just want to give him every opportunity. Besides, he is after all my son, lol. Okay, just a teensy bit of grandiosity kicking in… I’m not a genius by any means, but I like to think that I’m a teensy bit smart. At least with a few things… maybe… who knows?

Jay had a wrestling tournament to ref tonight, the second one so far. He was pretty excited about it, even if the kids were only middle schoolers. He also has a tournament on Saturday that will most likely be an all day thing. Afterwards we talked about going home for the rest of the weekend. I have some gift cards that I would like to use in Appleton and then we can stop by my mom’s and maybe dad’s house and show them how fun the Wii is. I think it would so funny to watch Ayden and Alexis play together! What I really want to do is go to Barnes and Noble in Appleton because that is where one of my gift cards is too and we all know how much I LOVE books!!! Can’t stop reading, and I might as well get in as much as I can before the semester starts because even though I will only have three classes (minus both speech and aud clinic) I think I will be rather busy. Who knows though?

We are watching The Pacifier now… Ayden loves this movie and Vin Diesel isn’t half bad to watch either!