Thursday, January 15, 2009


…during Ayden’s nap today I went on this site my sister introduced me to that has a lot of new videos on that you can watch online. I am not sure how these videos get there or if they are even ‘legal’ because of all the copyright crap, but you can watch them and all without having to download anything. However, these aren’t always the best quality of videos, but sometimes you luck out.

That is how I came to watch Marley and Me last weekend and I must say, although it was a good movie, I definitely liked the book a lot better. I don’t know, maybe I would have liked the movie more if I hadn’t already read the book.

Anyways, back to Twilight… I was almost falling asleep reading my book today while Ayden was resting and so I decided to come into the bedroom and lay down and re-watch Twilight. I didn’t care if I fell asleep because I had seen it already. I just so happened to find it online and started watching it. Like I said when I first saw it, pretty good movie, but of course… book WAY better! Which is why I didn’t care if I fell asleep during it. Did that happen, no way! I watched the whole thing and was just as entranced. That Edward, let me tell you! Ah, dreamy! It makes me want to reread the books OH SO BAD!!! I have them sitting right across from me right now (as I am sitting in bed writing this) and calling to me! Maybe during Spring Break I will reread them. I don’t often reread books, but these ones would definitely be worth it.

Ayden slept out in the living room last night on the futon. His idea and he said that he wanted to do it again tonight. I’m okay with it, but if he starts to want to do it all of the time we might have to change that. He has his own bed, but this can be a nice treat for every now and then. Plus he has been such a good boy lately.

We survived the cold weather today! Ugh though, it was pretty brutal out. I didn’t have to be outside for very long as just a short walk into my work building from my car and then to drop Ayden off and pick him up from school. Well daycare, they didn’t have 4K today because of school closings. I’m not sure if they already cancelled schools for tomorrow as well because it is still supposed to be pretty cold in the morning, but oh well. They say it is supposed to really warm up next week… lower 30s! That is awesomely warm compared to what it has been like. This weekend should be nice to go outside and play in the snow. We haven’t had any big snow storms lately so we are due one pretty soon. What it happen on the day we are supposed to start class next week. Now wouldn’t that be just great.

Our days continue to be pretty much the same. I’m not much for monotony, but when it is cold outside and you don’t have the money to go anywhere, it’s fine with me to stay home. We have a little routine going where we get home from daycare, eat lunch, Ayden plays for a little while, rests from 1-3pm and/or naps, and then an afternoon full of playing.