Friday, January 16, 2009

You’d think they were deaf!?

For over the past two hours our inconsiderate neighbors have been BLASTING their music NONSTOP!!! We are talking, turn your TV up an almost uncomfortable level and you can STILL hear the pounding of the music coming from their apartment! It finally got to the point where I asked Jay to go talk to the managers about it, but wouldn’t you know that the managers aren’t home tonight. It hasn’t been THIS bad in quite a while… I can usually deal with their music for about an hour and it isn’t usually this loud, but seriously, you’d think they were deaf or something!!! It’s getting really annoying and staring to get on my nerves. I’m trying very hard to stay calm about it, but when I can STILL hear them OVER the increased volume of MY TV, isn’t that getting a little over obsessive with the volume! I mean, have a little common courtesy for your neighbors. They should know that these apartment walls are not TWO FEET THICK! It is times like this where I wish we lived in a house or duplex or something where we wouldn’t have to deal with it. Or that we lived in a complex with a bunch of old people who were deaf and didn’t mind our noise from Ayden. I dunno… I’m venting, better here than marching over there and giving those guys a piece of my mind because I am definitely sure that I wouldn’t be too nice.

Okay, enough of that… Ayden didn’t have preschool today again because of the cold weather. He got to just enjoy daycare with his buddies. Jay ended up picking him a little earlier than normal, which was okay with me. We did the whole lunch and rest thing and then went to Walmart after Ayden’s rest because he earned a dollar for picking up his toys and helping me clean before his rest. He said that he wanted to spend it and plus we needed a few groceries as well. I explained to Ayden at the store about what he could get with his dollar and what he could get if he saved his dollar and earned some more money. He was almost at the point of saving it because he wanted something more than $1, but like any other four year old (okay, maybe not all four year olds) the money got the best of him and he needed to buy something. He ended up getting a matchbox car for like 97 cents (like he really needs anymore of those!) and was so proud to be able to pay for it by himself. He even had a few coins that he brought along as well. He also told me that next time he would save his money up so he could buy something bigger. Yeah, we’ll see how that ends up going, hehe!

We had some yummy brat patties for supper. We haven’t had those in a long time and I really love them! Jay made them super yummy! And I was surprised that Ayden ate it so well, but I just told him that it was a hamburger and he was okay with it. Same differences, right? Just so long as he is eating it!

Jay forgot to bring Ayden’s snow stuff home from daycare today which kind of sucks because the weather is supposed to be halfway decent tomorrow and I wanted to take him outside again. I’m pretty sure we have an extra pair of boots around here somewhere (during Ayden’s first winter my mom found a sale at Walmart and bought like four pair of boots for Ayden for like a total of $10, never mind you that we are FINALLY fitting into the fourth pair FOUR years later, but hey, totally worth it I guess!) and I could just layer his pants with jeans and some sweats in favor of the snowpants we are missing. We have the winter coat, hat, scarf, and mittens. We’ll see what kind of mood Ayden is in. Jay will be gone to a wrestling tournament so hopefully it won’t be a long day with a crabby kid. Keep your fingers crossed!

(Okay, now we are going on THREE hours of noisy music… I’ve taken a break in writing to chat on the phone with a friend.)

My fingernails are really crappy right now. Actually they have been for probably the last month. Very weak and constantly chipping and peeling. I have been trying to keep them very short so that they won’t rip, chip, break, etc… but it doesn’t seem to be working. The pointer finger on my right hand is cut as short as I can cut it without it hurting and it still is chipped and torn. It really irks me because I’m used to having half way decent nails!

Time to go pound on the wall!



Elyse said...

So I saw that you started following me...which is TOTALLY fine. Popped on over and read today's blog. I have neighbors in my apt that let their dogs bark all throughout the night and then I have LOUD as in if I were deaf music above me. I totally feel your pain. Hang in there and stay warm :)