Friday, January 23, 2009

Bitter Cold Friday

It doesn’t matter if the thermometer is reading 20 degrees ABOVE zero… when the wind is blowing like it is here today in Point, it is COLD out! Bitter cold and I don’t like it. Especially since they are talking COLD COLD COLD wind chills for this weekend! At least it is the weekend and I don’t have to go outside for anything. No walking to class, no driving anywhere, just hunkering down inside for the weekend of this bitter cold. Ugh, I wish it were summer already!

I feel like I haven't had much time this week to really sit down and reflect upon what has been happening. Despite the fact that it wasn't an overwhelming week busyness wise, it has been mentally. The first week back to school always is (at least for me) and especially so this semester because I am trying to coordinate my schedule to add two clinic times in, make sure I can still fit work in, and see if any of this will change Ayden's daycare schedule. I am waiting for one more meeting time to be set up and then I can fix my work schedule. All will be well...

This weekend I have to start my first lesson plan for clinic on Wednesday. Kind of happy that it isn't starting right away on Monday, but even so... I'd be ready for it. I am not even nervous about it this time around. I know that a few of my classmates are because they were not alone last semester, but because I was... it is not as nerve wracking as one might think. Plus, I talked with my client's mom and she seems really nice. And my friend told me that she was so all will be well!

Other than just getting through the week, we did not do a whole lot. Our nights were slightly adjusted because we are getting home a little later than last semester so the afternoons go a little faster. Jay hasn't had to work a lot recently because we haven't had too much snow. It's times when it goes almost a week and he doesn't have to work that he starts to get itchy about it. Plus he has a nice schedule to work this semester... no classes on Mondays or Wednesdays and only one morning class on Fridays. His boss really loves that! It will be especially nice for those nights that he is out all night long plowing (well if those nights happen to be either Sunday or Tuesday) and he doesn't have to get up early the next morning. Actually, we have been getting up at 8am this whole week courtesy of our new alarm clock... Ayden. Not having to be out of the house early is very nice... however I think I am getting TOO much sleep. Haven't really come to a conclusion on that because I am loving this sleeping in thing, lol! But I am usually semi conscious by 7:30am and just relaxing in bed until Ayden comes in and graces us with his smiling face. Although, he was pretty upset when I decided to take a shower this morning right away and not get him his chocolate milk and vitamins and instead Jay did that. He got over it though...

Yesterday and this morning Ayden and I played 'I Spy Go Fish' and have been working on saying the 'v' sound. See, I can do speech therapy at home too. Lol... he is doing what us SLPs (see, already coining myself an SLP without any grad school and me wanting to become an audiologist, I'm too funny) call 'stopping' and turning the 'v' into a 'b'. So, 'Do you have a dinosaur?' turns into 'Do you hab a dinosaur?' This is a process that Ayden should technically no longer be doing, however it has been shown that boys grow out of these speech processes slower than girls. Anyways, Ayden can say the 'v' sound so it wasn't hard to get him to change 'hab' to 'have'. I would pretend like I didn't know what 'hab' was or what he meant by it and sure enough, he started to say 'have'. It is great to see the recognition in his eyes that he knows he is saying the word correctly and to know that I helped him along. My little ray of sunshine!

However, my little ray of sunshine surely can be a mima (sp?) bird sometimes! Jay was telling Ayden something last night while they were in the kitchen making Kool-Aid and apparently it wasn't something that Ayden wanted to hear because he told Jay to 'shut it' and 'shut your mouth' and 'be quiet' every time that Jay would try to talk to Ayden. It was moderately funny listening to this little conversation, but I stepped in before Jay got too angry with Ayden and took care of it. Jay would have started yelling and Ayden didn't need that. I simply called Ayden over and we had a little talk about how we need to talk politely to others. I could tell he knew that he wasn't supposed to be saying it because when I called him over he had this guilty 'I'm sorry' look on his face. Everything was fine after that and Ayden and Jay continued making their Kool-Aid! A potential meltdown avoided...

I am going to try and finish my book this weekend as well. I haven’t picked it up since Monday… what did I tell you, the semester starts and I have no time or ambition to read. It is something that I should continue with (just not so avidly) during the semester because it keeps me calm and collected. I love those books… but unfortunately by the end of the day all I am wanting to do is lay down in bed and relax and watch some TV. Ugh, TV… I watch too much, I know I do, but it provides some of a relaxation time for me, just not as good as a book.

I’m trying to get Jay to go buy me a candy bar from the gas station, I’m craving something yummy and chocolate, but we don’t have anything in the house. Don’t think I’m getting anywhere though because he wants to go out in the cold just about as bad as I do! Haha!



amanda said...

sooooo i have a speech question for YOU! do you have any idea how to get my children, specifically amelya and breigh to not roll their tongues when they talk. they both roll their tongues while saying 'ch' 'sh' and other sounds at the ends of words. it drives me nutso because i don't know how to get it to stop or work on stopping it! ;0) thanks. :0)