Sunday, January 4, 2009

Christmas OVER

I can finally say Christmas is over for us here in Point. We took down all of our Christmas decorations and packed them away for yet another year. We probably could have left them up for a little while longer, but we had the time today and I was moderately in the mood to do it. Jay took all of the ornaments of the tree and I packed them into their respective boxes. We also put many of our presents away. There are a few toys laying around, but everything is pretty much back to normal around here, minus a few picture frames that need to be put back up in our TV stand.

Our day wasn’t compromised of too much stuff today. Ayden and I played some I Spy Go Fish and threw his Nerf football around for a little while. He was getting really good at catching it and throwing it pretty well too. I told him that when it got warmer out we would be able to go outside and play some real football since he wanted to tackle me and run with the ball. Not a whole lot of room in our place to do that and I really don’t want to break anything.

Speaking of breaking things (nice segway- spelt right, I don’t know-) but our toilet was broken for a few hours today. Lately it has been acting up a little bit and when you would flush it something in the tank would get hung up and the toilet would run continuously. Well today Jay finally broke it… he said he needed to get a piece or two from Mills, which totaled about a whole $6 and started to fix it. He has having Ayden helping him and I guess Ayden must have pulled too hard on something and broke another thing. Back to Mills Jay went for yet another piece and $5 more we had a fixed toilet. It works all better now and we should not be having any more problems. Seeing we live in an apartment, I’m sure we could have called the manager to come fix it because technically I don’t think we are liable for things like that (but don’t really know), but seeing it is the weekend, we would probably have been hard pressed to get a hold of them and they would have had to go purchase the parts and it would just have taken a lot longer. It was an easy an inexpensive fix… and I’m glad that Jay is able to do things like that because I would have had no idea what to do!

Yesterday we had the ornament exchange in Oshkosh and ran into some pretty bad weather on our drive home. What normally should have taken us about 45 minutes took us almost two hours! Main reason for that… freezing rain and MAJOR icy roads! We drove about 30-35mph the whole way! And then great decision maker Jay decided he wanted to take some back roads for a portion because he thought it would be a little faster… lol… needless to say, of course they were worse than the main roads, but I guess the plus of MANY fewer cars was good. We made it home fine, but not without some worries from me! I’m a really bad passenger driver (well at least with Jay). I’m just worried about my safety I guess… maybe… probably overly worried.

Two more weeks off and then classes start again! I’m kind of getting excited and getting a little nervous about clinic again. More so about my audiology one because I’ve made it through a semester of speech already and this semester I’ve been told that I will be paired with someone. I’m anxious to see who that will be and who my supervisor will be because it is always a little nerve wracking learning the ropes of a new professor. I also have a night class and I’m wondering how I am going to make it through that. Should be fine, but I get bored fast enough with a 50 minute class and this one is going to be a 2 1/2 hour class. What was I thinking, lol!

Ayden gets to go back to school tomorrow. The last week they didn’t have a lot of kids at daycare and I think that Ayden is excited to really get to see his friends again because he hasn’t been able to play with a lot of them in about three weeks now.

I watched the Mama Mia movie yesterday as well! It was a little too musical for me, but it was to be expected. Other than one or two more songs than I thought was necessary, it was a pretty good movie. I’m glad that I watched it!