Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Is it Friday yet?

It’s probably a bad thing when it is only Tuesday and I am already wishing for Friday, eh? It’s not that my week is going back or anything (hey, I didn’t end up with a parking ticket, woo hoo!), but I’d rather it just be the weekend so I could slack on actually getting stuff done. I am taking a break from writing some Hearing Science notes. I took almost four pages of notes already and they have come from about 6 pages of text that I’ve read. Six of the ten pages assigned to be read for tomorrow. And why am I doing this (other than the fact that I am such a diligent student and always take notes outside of class, or not!) because my teacher likes to surprise us with pop quizzes. Ugh, yes pop quizzes! And wouldn’t you know he already surprised us with one on Monday (which thankfully didn’t count) and I don’t want to end up being surprised again and not doing good on it. Btw, I got 3/5 correct on the first quiz…

I am also waiting for Friday because I’m hoping by then I will have received my Wii Fit in the mail. It was supposed to be shipped out today… hopefully it will be in our apartment soon! I’m excited to join in on the fun! And besides, doesn’t everyone love the weekends… even if everyone doesn’t, I do!

It was bitterly cold out again today! I hate walking to class in the cold. I wish we lived in Green Bay and went there… my sister gloats to me about the tunnels connecting their buildings. Yeah well… Stevens Point is still better, lol!

My first audiology clinic went well. I didn’t actually do anything today other than observe. It was nice to be able to remember some of the things that I learned in my audiology class in the Fall of 2007 (gosh that is a long time ago!) and see it in action again. My mentor (if that’s what you want to call him, he’s just a first year grad student) is pretty cool. He has a two and a half year old so we have the whole kid thing in common which is great. And my supervisor seems pretty cool as well. I was a little nervous at first when I met her last week at the meeting because she didn’t talk much and seemed kind of standoffish, but she is really funny! It should be a pretty great semester, or so I’m hoping!

I have my speech client tomorrow afternoon and I’m pretty ready to go for that. I printed off a few things tonight and got those ready to go. Should be a great first session! And my supervisor said that he didn’t seem to have any issues separating from his parents which is good! My old client from last semester was supposed to have his first session today. I’m anxious to ask his current clinician how it went! She is going to love him!

A shout out goes out to one of my dearest friends today… HAPPY BIRTHDAY (even though he doesn’t read my blog)! I called him earlier, but didn’t get an answer. I left a message telling him to call me back. I hope he does because I really want to wish him a happy birthday in person (well at least live on the phone). I sent a card, but what else are best friends for other than to sing happy birthday through the phone! Seriously, I’ve done it before, lol!

I’m getting a cold… which really bites! Going to be sick for my first day of clinic. Not sick enough to cancel, but enough to make for a runny nose and sore throat. Ayden has a bit of a cold as well (probably where I caught it from) and was coughing this morning. He hasn’t complained yet and we’ve held off on the drugs, so I’m keeping my fingers crossed. I on the other hand doped up with some NyQuil at about 6:30pm so I’d be nice and drowsy in about two hours and get some good sleep. I hope it kicks in soon. I need a good sleep tonight…