Monday, January 26, 2009

Monday = NOT ME TIME!

Can’t forget to head over to MckMama’s when you are done enjoying my Not Me’s… you know… she is the genius behind this whole blog carnival! So glad that I happened upon her and her blog… she is great!

It just wouldn’t be Monday without Not Me’s! I don’t know how I survived without this fun, before MckMama created this lovely idea. Okay, so I know how I did… I just laughed at myself and what I didn’t do. Now you all can laugh with me!

First off, classes did not start this past week. And because they did not start, I did not worry about how my first week would go.

I did not enjoy sleeping in every day this past week. I set my alarm clock everyday and Ayden fulfilled his duty to the best of his ability each and every day. Oh, who I am kidding… I loved sleeping in!!!

Tuesday did not leave me feeling all confused and discombobulated (oh I do not love that word) and freaked about how this semester would go. Wednesday did not leave me with a night class that turned out to be a writing emphasis course. Thursday did not leave me dropping my night class and signing up for an online class. Friday did not leave me feeling relieved that I made it through the first week relatively unscathed!

I did not end up alone as a clinician this semester. I did not wonder how I was ever going to make it through the semester. I did not sit back, breathe, and realize life is great and I will make it through the semester!

I did not tell Ayden he could take a toy gun to school because it started with ‘g’ and he was filling his ‘g’ bag. Jay was not smart enough to catch my mistake and leave the toy gun at home. I did not believe that I could have looked passed something like that! I was not too concerned about finding ‘g’ items to actually realize what it was and I was not heading out the door at the precise moment Ayden asked me if he could take it.

I did not wear a scarf almost every day this past week. I am not copying Angie Smith from Bring the Rain and her friends and turning 2009 into the year of the scarf. I did not buy up some snazzy scarves from Walmart for only $5 a piece! I am not totally in love with them either!

I did not give up looking for a Wii Fit and buy one online the other night. I am so patient and love calling up all the stores on a daily basis to find one and wouldn’t you know, I find one every time I call! Or not!

I am not super anxious for it to come so I can join in on the fun that everyone else with it says they are having! I do not love Wii!

I did not wash one of Jay’s chapsticks with a pair of his jeans. I did not notice the chapstick until I was putting the clothes into the dryer. I did not take the chapstick and put it back in the bathroom. I did not snicker when Jay asked me if I noticed something weird with his chapstick. I did not proceed to tell him in my most neutral voice that I washed it. It was not my fault that I didn’t check his pockets in the first place, lol!

I did not procrastinate on my homework all weekend and redesign my blog instead, do extra laundry, make rice krispy treats, help clean the kitchen, and chit chat on the phone… no procrastination in this house! Never!

And I promise to not procrastinate any more this semester, which really means… there will be lots and lots of it!

What did you not do this week? I’m sure you are just dying to share!!!



amanda said...

love washing the chapstick story. and yay for the wii fit. it is so much fun. and thanks for the message about the speech stuff. i totally understood it and appreciate the help!!