Sunday, May 4, 2008

Blah day...

Jack- today was kind of blah. We didn't do a whole lot. Jay ended up having to go to work so it was just me and Ayden at home. I did a bunch of cleaning the apartment and finished the majority of my projects for school. So that made me feel good. I am having a few friends over tonight to finish going over our AR plan for our presentation tomorrow. Hopefully it goes well. I'm thinking we will have to go second if the prof goes by folder number, but it really doesn't matter either way. I'm definitely not freaking out about it like I usually do with class presentations. Maybe this is because I am getting so comfortable with my classmates and it is a group presentation. Wish me luck!

Ayden and I both took a good nap today. I wasn't planning on it, but I layed down on the couch after he was napping and I was out. I didn't even have to get up early this morning. I hope that I can get to sleep good tonight. I usually have trouble falling asleep on Sunday nights.

Jay came to bed kind of late last night, but I didn't really care. I didn't say anything to him about it either. However, I was the snoopy girlfriend again and searched his phone. Honestly I don't like doing it because I don't like to know how much he talks to Sam, but some part of me has to know. I'm thinking about asking him about it tonight. I really just want to know why they have to talk for so long. They talked for 20 minutes last night and like ten minutes after that call ended, he called her again and they talked for another hour. They could not be talking about the game for that long, seriously! Like, what do you talk about for that long? And how can you expect me not to feel some sort of jealously. I think that is partly why he doesn't tell me that they talk, or that they even talk for that long. I don't want to argue about it, but would he like it if I talked Lee for that long?! He'd have a cow if we talked that long. He has issues with us writing letters once every other week. But is the situation really any different now? Lee has a girlfriend and Sam is married so niether of them have any interest in us. I don't know. It's like Sam has taken the place of Sarah, only as far as I know Sam doesn't want Jay. As would be good because Sam is married. And it's not that I don't want Jay to have friends because I do, but even I don't talk to Niki for two hours every night and we are best friends. I guess I have jealousy issues just as bad as Jay. Just another thing that we have to work through I guess.

However, I think I might chicken out so I will have to let you know how it goes if I don't. In any case, class tomorrow morning. Just need to make it through four more days!

-Ashley :/