Friday, May 16, 2008

Lake Joanis

Jack- Today was officially my first day of not having to go to class, well that is until September. I forgot to mention yesterday that I also registered for the taking the GRE at the beginning of August. I know that I mentioned that I had to take it before, but now I REALLY have to take it because I paid the money for it. But I don't think I will have to write anything like I thought, namely essay stuff. Ciera thought that we might, however I haven't officially confirmed that we haven't.

Ayden and I spent the morning inside today cleaning and watching morning cartoons. Like the kid doesn't already get enough of those. I got all of the laundry done and it isn't even technically the weekend yet and I cleaned Ayden's room and most of the rest of the apartment. I still have a few things that I need to organize this weekend though. When I say I cleaned Ayden's room though, really I just threw everything that was on the floor into an empty bin. I didn't take the time today to put everything where it is 'supposed' to go. Really didn't feel like it, maybe I will dump it out tomorrow and reorganize it. Yeah right! The kid will just have everything dumped out again in like three or four days anyways so why take the extra effort.

After nap time today we went for a walk around Lake Joanis. Lake Joanis is a small lake near campus and they have a ton of walking trails around/near it. Acutally Stevens Point has like a 20 mile Green Circle Trail that people can walk, but the one around the lake is only a mile. I tried to bring the wagon along in case Ayden got tired, but it wouldn't fit into my car. I totally need a bigger vehicle! Someday... anyways, we left the wagon at home and started our walk. We got about 1/3 of the way around the lake and Ayden says that he wants to go back home. Somehow I managed to get him all the way around the lake, the whole MILE, and he didn't complain once about his legs being tired. He actually had some fun, I think. We also ended up seeing three deer. It is always funny to see deer in town, but we are used to it because we used to have some in the woods at our old apartment (even got some to come up to our bird feeder once there) and I've almost hit a few taking Ayden to daycare several times. So, even in the city, animals find a way to get intergrated, lol.

After our walk Ayden and I played with his golf clubs outside and he was practicing his cast with his fishing pole. It has this little plastic fish tied onto the end of it. He is actually getting pretty good at the whole casting thing. And then we made some supper. Just buttered noodles, pears, and peas tonight. Something easy.

Jay got home a little later than usual which was fine. As I always say, more money and then we headed off to the grocery store to get some food. We needed to go on Monday, but managed to hold out until today. And we managed to not spend a whole heck of a lot of money either which is always good! The biggest upset to me was getting home and realizing that I MISSED the season finale of Ghost Whisperer. I was mad because it was supposed to be really good. I'll survive though, at least I think so. Lol. Walmart is my love and my nemisis, lol! Tomorrow we might do some rummaging, haven't really decided yet. Jay said that there were a ton in Plover today, so if we can get some good deals I won't complain. Last year we found the stools for our counter real cheap and they work really nice. Mostly we just set things on them, but they are there in case we ever need to actually sit on them.

I got an email today from our case worker stating that we are a go for daycare help until the end of August before we need to be reviewed which is good. I thought we needed a review by the end of June. But we also received some downer news. Once school starts, we only get 1.6 months of continued help with daycare expenses and then we have utilized the 18 months that they allow. I am not sure if that means they will cover the expenses for the hours that he is at daycare and we are at work or not. I also think that next year the rate for Ayden will be going down a little bit because he is older. I don't know for sure, but it's adds to the money expenses that we need to worry about. I'm trying not to freak out about it right now because I have faith that things will work out somehow. But it will never be far from my mind, not that money ever is. It's sad that it makes the world go round, but what can you do?!

Okay, so I was totally going to write something before but I can so not remember what it was. Believe it or not, I am not perfect, lol. In that case I guess I will just get going then. Ciao! LOVE ME