Thursday, May 29, 2008

Down Day

Jack...Tough loving paid off. Ayden woke up around 6:30am, not too bad for going to bed at 6pm and Jay turned on some cartoons for him and I continued to sleep until 7:15 or tried to when my alarm decided it was a good time to go off. Or more namely so, the time that I had set it to go off. From 6:30 to 7:15 Jay and I cuddled in bed. It was nice because it doesn't happen very often. Especially during the week. But do you think that that guy could lay still for like just 5 minutes... nope... he was constantly moving. It was starting to drive me nuts! But it was still nice. And he even came to bed at a decent time last night. Although before he came to bed, I was in the bedroom reading and he kept coming in to bug me and acting all giddy like. If I didn't know better I would have said he was drunk or high, but really he was just being crazy. Lol... it was funny though.

My back is really hurting today. I must have slept on it wrong or something. Maybe I lifted Ayden wrong yesterday or lifted something else wrong. Who knows, but I hope that it feels better soon because it is kind of annoying. At least my sunburn has stopped hurting. Always a plus when that happens. And because it wasn't too bad I don't think that I am going to peel either. Another yeah!

Jay may not have to work late today if the weather takes a turn for the worse and rains like it is supposed to. That would be a good thing, but then he would most definitely have to work late tomorrow unless it is bad weather again then as well. We finally decided that we are not going home. Took us long enough, huh? Jay said that it wasn't really worth it and I partially agree. Not for the price of gas so we are staying in Point. Fine with me. I really didn't care either way.

Work has been kind of slow this past week. Last week my boss was gone for two of the four days that I work which left me with little to do after I got done with what she needed me to and this week I only had to work three days because of Memorial Day and she was gone today as well. I need to talk to her about starting that one project she had talked about because that should keep me busy for a while. But she has just been so busy that I hate to interupt what she is doing in order for her to explain to me what needs to be done. I'm too nice like that though. Hopefully it will pick up next week.

I had kind of a depressing afternoon. I got the mail and all bills... do they ever stop coming? And so I started freaking out about our current financial situation and it was really starting to get to me until I got on our bank online and actually calculated what we currently had. I know, check the check book... but I'm pretty bad at keeping up in keeping it balanced. Naughty me. In any case, after checking everything I became a little less stressed, however Jay and I decided that we are going to forgo the YMCA membership for the summer, even if we could get it for $20/month. It's not worth the extra money right now or the extra worry. We will get through the summer and maybe in the fall. Ayden and I can swim at the beach for free, even if it isn't pool water. I sort of have this thing about river/lake water. Icky to me. Wrote out some bills tonight and figured out which ones that could wait until next week. Feeling better about everything... that's good, right?

Ayden took a great nap this afternoon and so did I. Was pretty nice and when he got up he was so excited to be able to tell Jay when he got home. He kept saying that Daddy was going to be so proud of him for taking such a good nap. We didn't do a whole lot this afternoon. Looked like it was going to rain the whole time so we just stayed inside watching tv. Funny how the weather can have such an effect on your mood. Jay said he was feeling kind of lazy today at work took. He worked late, but not as late as yesterday and might not even have to go in tomorrow if it raining out like the weather people say so. But are they ever right?

Ayden is taking a bath right now. He really needed one, what with playing in the sand all day at daycare. He had gobs and gobs of sand in his shoes today. The most that he has had all week. And of course we had to wash his feet in the sink when we got inside.

Tonight is going to be a good reading night. Almost done with my book, again! Did I mention that I like to read. It's sort of an obsession right now. Borderline obsessive compulsive about it maybe. What do you think? It's turning out pretty good, needed a good love story after the boringness of the last book. Easy summer read that doesn't challenge the brain. Like I really need any brain challenges at the moment.

Okay I am going to go because I am just babbling on about anything and nothing at the same time. Gotta love me... CIAO! LOVE ME!