Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Yesterday's Post

Our internet wasn't working yesterday so I blogged to a word document... here it is...

Physiological Psychology

Jack... Really the title of this entry should say it all! And by all I mean, driving me completely insane! I've been studying on and off since noon and do you think I feel comfortable with what I know, not in the least. Maybe that is because I felt comfortable with the last test and I did the worst on that one. But I am really trying to study harder for this one and make sure I have everything down. Okay, so being on here does not really qualify as studying, but I needed a break from it all. There is only so much reading about the hippocampus and depolarization of this and of that that I can take at a time. So, that would explain why I am on here. The worst part is that I haven't even begun to look at my audiology stuff for the test on Thursday and nothing for my little quiz at 8am. I'm not too worried yet. Really just want it done and over with so I don't have to worry about anything extra for a few months. Just go to work and then come home and play with Ayden.

Well this morning I went and woke Ayden up, really just opened his shades and made sure that he at least woke up once and then I finished getting ready myself and sat down to watch TV and waited to see what Jay would do to help with Ayden. His 'helping' once again constituted yelling from bed for 20 minutes 'Ayden!' I was so tempted to yell at Jay that obviously the kid was still asleep or he would have responded by now or gotten up, but I waited it out to see what Jay would do. And what did he do you wonder? He proceeded to stay in bed until 10 minutes before we had to leave, yelled at Ayden until Ayden finally got out of bed, and didn't once offer to get Ayden anything to eat or drink before we had to leave. I was PISSED! So, tomorrow Jay has to take Ayden to daycare because I have an 8am exam (the same time I am supposed to be dropping Ayden off) and you know what I am going to do, get up and get ready and not even bother with Ayden. Then we will see what Jay does. Let him deal with it all himself, I don't really care anymore. At least next week we won't have to be to daycare until 8:30 which means I can sleep until 7am! Finally, there won't be a 6 on the clock when I am waking up.

Work went really well today. I was able to get a lot done and my boss even bought me a candy bar from one of those fundraiser things that people always have. However, it wasn't a very good candy bar, but just the thought was nice. I really love my boss, sometimes she is like a second mother to me. She has children my age, a little older, and one still in high school so she really understands the college thing and she always insists that my school work comes first. I am so lucky to have found my job because everyone is so great and nice and friendly and they are super flexible with school and me being a mom. Things couldn't have worked out better!

The weather for this weekend is looking kind of cruddy again. Why does it always happen on the weekends?! I am sure soon enough though the weather will be nice all the time again. I can't wait to be able to go to the beach everyday and just relax. Sometimes the pressures of school are just too much. But I know that I can make it through. I want it too bad to give up now and besides, it would just be a waste of money to give up when I am so close to being done.

But studying is calling again so I need to keep this short. Until then… ME