Monday, May 12, 2008

Psych 301 Final Done!

Jack... I am done with one final thus far! Yeah for me! And to honest, well I think I did pretty okay on it. Once again the multiple choice questions were hard, but the essay part was fairly easy. Maybe our little study session paid off for that, at least for the corollaries by Kelly, but some of the other stuff I really had no idea on. I hope that I did good on it. I tried my hardest and I actually did a fair amount of studying. Now it's on to studying for Psychology 325... my nemesis! Wish me luck because that one is going to suck. But I figured it out and even if I get an 81 on the test, I can still get an A- in the class and I will definitely be happy with that.

Jay didn't come to bed until 2am last night or maybe I should say this morning. It wouldn't have bothered me, but when I went to bed at 10pm he was playing his game and he said that he was going to help these four people with a short quest and then come to bed real quick. Well I didn't know that real quick was four hours later. I didn't say anything to him though for fear of starting an unwanted and pretty much unwarranted fight. Besides, that meant that I got the bed to myself for that much longer, lol. But what did bother me was this morning. Jay and I had a discussion last week about how it bothered me that he stayed in bed until right before he had to leave for work and/or class while I was up and getting Ayden up and ready. He said that he would try and get up and help more with Ayden in the morning, seeing we all leave at the same time or within five minutes of each other. It would be different if I was up and getting Ayden ready and Jay still had an hour before he had to get up/ leave, but that is simply not the case. So, what does he do this morning, he lays in bed awake all the while I am trying to get Ayden out of bed. His resolve to getting Ayden up and ready was to yell from our bed into Ayden's room telling Ayden that he better get up. Yeah, like how is that helping me any?! I had to drag Ayden out of bed to the bathroom and sit with him until he decided to put his clothes on and start cooperating with me. Jay... he stays in bed for another 10 minutes, finally gets up, gets dressed, and then we depart ways. Men... I tell you. I dunno, it just sort of bothered me... and the denseness of him just gets even denser when he asks well what's the matter with you this morning. Hmm... I wonder!

Okay, I just needed to vent a little about that. We'll see how this afternoon goes. More studying to do, but first right now I need to head off to daycare to pick up Ayden. Hopefully he will be in a good mood this afternoon and we can have some fun.