Saturday, May 3, 2008

Professor Lunch and Cultural Festival

Jack- Today, Ayden and I went to one of my professor's house for a social gathering. We went with two of my other friends and my friend's daughter. It ended up being a lot more fun than I had anticipated. There were only about 12 of us there, but we still had a good time. Everyone loved Ayden and of course he was super shy at first. It didn't take long for him to warm up to everyone, however everytime my teacher would try to talk to him he would clam up. It was funny. But he was still really well behaved. We played the 'I never' game and it was kind of interesting. Of course we played the g-rated version because my teacher said she didn't need to know super personal things about us and that kids were present. It was still funny though. After that we played Taboo and that was funny as well. Overall, it was a pretty good time for going to a professor's house. Lol.

Next, my friend Kristi and her daughter Lily (who is almost two) went to the cultural festival here in Point. So many people! It was crazy busy, but we had a good time there as well. Ayden and Lily got to make faces on balloons, make some handprints, and decorate cookies. There was so much stuff there to look at. It probably would have been a little more interesting/ educational had I not taken Ayden, but I didn't really go because I wanted to be edumacated. We had a good time just walking around. We got to see some fantastic belly dancers as well. Ayden thought they were really cool and he was up and dancing as well. It was too cute. Lily kept clapping her hands and had a huge smile on her face the whole time. She is such a cutie and is so well behaved most of the time. But of course I am not with her all the time either and people always say that about Ayden when they see him. They are like, wow he is so good, and I'm like, you didn't see him two hours ago at home. That is okay though. He was fairly well behaved today so that was good.

I was expecting him to be a handful though because he got up at 5am this morning. That is like a first because he didn't even go to bed early last night. On the weekends he comes into our room and climbs into bed with us and then he comes over by me and starts poking me in the nose telling me to wake up. He never bugs Jay in the morning, which bites. So he comes in this morning and lays on the bed and I finally make an attempt to look at the clock and it's only 5! There was no way that I was getting up at 5 in the morning on the weekend so Jay and I put a movie in out in the living room for Ayden to watch (the portable DVD player we use in his room wasn't working). Ayden layed on the futon until 7:15ish and then came to tell Jay and I that his movie was over. I was surprised that he stayed awake for the whole movie because I seriously thought he would fall back to sleep. Well he didn't, and he didn't have a nap today, so hopefully he will sleep in tomorrow! Let's hope so because I could really go for a nap right now.

I haven't gotten any homework done today and I really don't intend to either. Just not really motivated at this point and well that is what tomorrow is for. One more week of class, just keep telling myself that. Almost over. And the weather really didn't as bad today as they were predicting. Actually the sun is out now!

I think I may have gotten through to Jay on the whole game thing. Well maybe for a week or so. He came to bed last night at 11, but that may be only because I was mad at him earlier in the day so who knows yet. He had his friend JT over today for a while when Ayden and I were gone and they were playing it. I think Jay enjoyed it because JT moved back home to Minnesota about a month ago and they used to see each other everyday at work so he was working with a bunch of JT withdrawal. Lol. But JT is a good guy and he gets along great with Ayden so all is good I guess. He just has a few things in life that he needs to sort out, especially if him and Jay will be starting a business together someday. Who knows?

Ciao for now.... -Ashley