Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Tough Lovin'

Oh goodness Jack... I can't believe that I forgot to put a title on that last post. What is wrong with me? Lol! In a relatively good mood today despite Ayden being a handful when he woke up. Back to his normal I don't want to go to 'day daycare' and wanting to stay in bed at home all day long. He stayed up a little later than usual last night so I could see where he might be a little tired. Just took a little coaxing and he was up and ready for the day. Fine after he got his glass full of chocolate milk. We didn't get to eat breakfast together though because he got going too late and he said that he didn't want to. Fine with me I guess because the chairs were still be used by the fort that we had set up last night. Didn't really get around to taking to down last night and knew that if I did Ayden would have had a fit this morning.

The weather is looking better for this weekend which is good, but of course we are still undecided for the whole camping thing. Jay didn't get home until almost 7:30pm last night which kind of sucked and then he sat down on his computer right away. That kind of sucked because there went any quality time that we got to spend. Wait, I take that back, first he put the drain-o in the sink because it was running slow, then I made him put some dishes away and then he tried to get the printer to work for me and then he went on his computer. Well after he scarfed down some food. What a boyfriend, huh? And then he stayed up until 2am! Okay, so he says he fell asleep on the couch, which could be true, but in any case, was still kind of disappointed.

I am trying to plan a get together with my friends from school. I really want to go to Six Flags this year. Jay and I missed our yearly going last year because we didn't have the money and the summer just went so dang fast. We had gone the previous two or three years before hand. I'm thinking it was only two because before then I think I was pregnant and of course couldn't go then. In any case, we had wanted to make it a yearly thing. Originally I had thought that maybe we could go and I could ask two of my friends and their boyfriends to come along, but I decided that instead to just ask my friends. I think Jay might be mildly disappointed, but he will get over it. And if not, I'll just pull the whole look at all the times you went golfing with JT last year and what not. But I don't think I will have a hard time getting it past him. He will just be upset that he doesn't get to come, but oh well. Thus far, two of four friends have said they would like to go. I'm pretty sure one of the other two will say yes as well, but not so sure on the fourth one. I hope so though because it would definitely be a blast! Venting time, no kids, no boys, and lots of fun on the rides! Hopefully it pans out!

Awesome news just got... one of the ladies from work has a husband who flies airplanes. Well she just offered a free ride to me from her husband. Okay, you're thinking... that would be wierd, don't even know the guy. Well not true, he's been in to work before, met him, and he is super nice. It would be awesome to go up for a plane ride, especially in a small plane. I love those and I haven't been on a plane since we went to Punta Cana. She took my number and said she would keep it on hand. Totally cool! Also, the Stevens Point airport is having an air show this weekend and we live relatively close to the airport. You're probably thinking, well that would suck with planes and everything, but it's not THAT close and there are not too many planes, and an even smaller number of bigger planes. In any case, we will probably be able to see the airshow from our apartment. Well that is if we decide to stay home. I think Ayden would enjoy that.

Have you ever tried to grow flowers from seeds?! Well we have been trying for almost the past two months and we've had to replant them at least three times now. We have some sun flowers and poppies up right now that are doing pretty good, but as Jay was bringing in our big planter last night he sent it unstably on the side table in the living room and it tipped right over. We had some growing in there, but they weren't too big yet. What happends? We get a huge pile of dirt on our nice white living room carpet. What does Ashley do? Just starts laughing. Jay was very upset... but I thought it was too funny. I'm sure if it would have happened to me I would have been mad too, but I wasn't. Sometimes you just have to laugh. We got it all picked up and luckily it didn't leave any dark messy marks on our carpet, only now we have to replant the flowers that were in there. Have fun with that Jay... that's his domain. I'm about ready to give up and just buy some already grown flowers to plant in there. I have no green thumb and no want to acquire one.

I finished my book last night. Yeah... now on to another one. Keeping the reading alive! Okay, night time now and I managed to get almost 100 pages into my new book. YEAH! And thus far it is pretty good, as expected... written by Nicholas Sparks. In any case, was able to get that far in because my little mister Ayden was sent to bed at 6pm tonight. And no, I'm not a mean mom... just handing out a dose of tough lovin.

Here's the thing... we got home from daycare today and being the cool mom that I am, I told Ayden that he could take a nap on the floor under his tent. He was pretty excited about that. I turned some music on and he layed down under the tent for his nap. Well... didn't lead to a nap. I let him lay under there playing for a little while and then proceeded to move him to his bedroom. Still no nap, but I figured an hour and a half of 'quiet' time was enough and told Ayden he could come out and play if he was good. We played for a while and then I decided to get my bike out, hook up the bike trailer we have for Ayden and bike to the nearest park. All good, however I was more tired than I thought I would be by the time we got there. Just goes to show how much harder it is to bike with an extra 50 lbs behind you. But we made it only to play for about 20 minutes. Then Ayden decided it was time to bike home. Back at home we did a few worksheets and Ayden watched a little bit of cartoons. I've been trying to keep the cartoon watching down lately, first because he doesn't need the TV to fill his time and secondly with the TV off we are saving electicity.

Okay, then I start making supper. We were going to have salsbury steaks and pilsbury flaky buns (yum)! Mind you, Jay was still at work and finally got home around 7:15pm tonight. Getting things going in the kitchen and walk over to the living room to see Ayden holding the cat up by his neck. He literally had his two hands wrapped around Diesel's neck. I didn't know how long he had had the cat this way, but immediately yelled at him to drop the cat. Luckily Diesel ran off seemingly unfazed, thank goodness and launched into speech about why we cannot hold the cat that way. Thinking Ayden didn't really get anything out of it and I know that I kind of over reacted at the situation.

Then when supper was ready and Ayden saw what we were having he launched into a whining/ crying fit about how he wanted mac n cheese and not meat. I told him that this is what we were having and that was that. Turned the cartoons off (we do not watch cartoons while eating or Ayden will just sit and watch them and not eat) and Ayden got even more mad because he wanted to finish watching his movie. He knows better, but I think today was an off day. He finally stopped whining and sat down to eat. He ate his watermelon and picked at his bun and decided that he was done. I proceeded to tell him that he had to eat three pieces of the salsbury steak before he got up (three years old equals three pieces) and he refused. Then told him that if he was done he had to wash his hands and it was bed time. Obviously that didn't go so well, but he climbed into bed and 10 minutes later when I checked on him he was already sleeping. What a rough afternoon... poor kid. Lol... I just hope that he doesn't get up before 6am tomorrow morning. Would be just my luck, huh? I hope tomorrow afternoon goes better.

And so, at least I got a few hours to myself tonight to relax and read. CIAO! LOVE ME!