Friday, May 30, 2008

'I gotta puke!'

Jack... Yes, those were the words that Ayden uttered to me before he ran to the bathroom and threw up in the toliet. At least he made it to the potty. We were sitting down to eat lunch, him having chicken nuggets, apple sauce and chocolate milk, me having ramen. Too lazy to make anything else and Ayden loves chicken nuggets. He usually drinks his glass of milk before he starts to eat anything and I didn't think anything of it when he did that today, only that he had a pretty big cup full and downed the whole thing and then asked for more. I gave him half a cup more because I didn't want him to get TOO full on milk and not eat anything. He drank some of that and managed to eat two chicken nuggets and a little applesauce before he said he was full. I asked him if he could eat one more chicken nugget but he said he was too full. I didn't want to fight with him so I said it was okay for him to get up. He quickly runs to the bathroom saying he has to go potty and while in there he yells that his belly hurts. He gets gone going potty and I'm helping him button his pants back up. I then go to the kitchen to get a bowl for him to hold while he layed on the couch.

Okay, rewind a little. You see... every parent knows that children come leaking from every orface they have and it doesn't stop. Baby spit up, blow out diapers and endless runny noses. I dealt with the baby spit up and the blow out diapers and still we have runny noses, all fine with me. I knew that the day would come when I had to deal with real food throw up and hoped it wasn't for a while. I can't stand the smell of puke and usually end up gagging at it. But who doesn't? Well a few months ago Ayden was in his room watching a movie and started crying that his belly hurt. Naturally thinking, I told him that we should lay down for a while and see if that helps. I left the room only to hear him start crying a few minutes later. Go back in the room and see puke EVERYWHERE! Turns out I can handle it better than I thought and lots better than Jay. Ayden was more upset that he got it everywhere than he was that he actually threw up. I calmed him down and said that if he ever felt like that again that we should try and make it to the potty. I didn't really think it would sink in and didn't expect him to actually throw up in the potty if/when it happened again, but you never know. He's three... I just want the kid to feel good. Okay, so throw up number 1... made it through... good.

Back to this afternoon, I am in the kitchen getting the bowl and I hear him in the hallway say, 'I gotta puke!' and I quickly run after him and he makes it to the potty just in time and that is where it happened and thank goodness! Not that I wouldn't have been able to clean it up or anything, but it definitely saved me the time and effort of doing so. He basically just threw up the milk and chicken nuggets that he had for lunch. My best guess, he drank too much too fast. He was fine after that and continued to play as if nothing had happened and for that I was thankful.

Nap time was a wash out today as well. He rested for a little while, but didn't actually sleep. However, he has been in a pretty good mood this afternoon thus far. I biked us to the little park again and this time we stayed for a whole 20 minutes. I spent more time biking alltogether than we did actual playing. But if we keep this up I will have stellar legs in about a month. It definitely takes a lot of work and I had to bike against the wind today which was definitely not any fun.

Overall our day has been kind of blah. I have really been feeling like a goob. Munching too much and not feeling like doing a whole lot of anything lately. Feeling fat again... I went through a few days last week where I wasn't doing a whole lot of munching and was feeling pretty skinny and liked what I saw in the mirror, but after we had gone shopping our house was stocked again and well I have no will power to deny myself it. Especially the chocolate marshmellow ice cream. Lol. A nightly bowl definitely does the hips good and probably the butt too. Too bad none of that fat could end up in my boobs. They need the extra poundage. Need to get more motivated and such. The weather looks to be pretty nice this weekend so maybe we will spend a lot of it outdoors which would be good. Get my tan on, and this time remember the sunscreen. Don't want to get burned again!

The cotton trees are seeding out right now, at least I think that that is what it is called. Anyways, there must be a ton around Ayden's day care because for the last couple of days it has been like raining little cotton balls there. Cute, but also really annoying because they get in your nose, mouth, eyes, and all over your clothes. Hopefully they are done soon. Thankfully we really don't have any around our apartment. Finally the sun is shining today. Might just have to eat supper outside on the patio set. Well that is, need to come up with an idea for supper first. Was thinking spaghetti and meatballs, but I cooked last night and don't really want to tonight. Not after the stupid potatoes boiled over which lead me to have to clean the whole damn stove. Was not fun! But I guess that the stove kind of needed it anyways and the potatoes still turned out.

Maybe tomorrow we will go to the beach or walk around the lake again. Who knows? Enjoy the dinosaur video!