Check out our finished products! Mom gave directions and Ayden built... well most of it!
After breakfast Ayden watched a little more cartoons, yes I know, he watches way too much, but it did give me some time to finish up the IEP that I was working on. For those of you who don't know, IEP stands for Indiviual Education Plan and it is the take home portion of my final for my Clinical Procedures class. It was relatively easy to complete because we bascially just had to copy and paste information from the Diagnostic report that we had to complete earlier in the semester. All I need to do now is revise it to make sure everything is kosher. I am sure that one of my friends will also ask me to revise theirs as well, which is fine with me because I may just do the same. As my professor says, it never hurts to get something revised and I would really like to do good on this final.
Okay, so we live on the bottom floor of a two level apartment and for the first time in the past year that we've lived here, I've really grown annoyed with the people upstairs and their pounding around. The ironic thing is that the girl that lives upstairs is in my major and knows me and that I have a three year old kid. You think she would try and keep the noise down a little. I'm not saying that she shouldn't be allowed to walk around, have people over, etc... but at least have a little respect for the people that are living below you, and especially more so at night. Also, I recently found out that her roommate just moved out because she could not tolerate the noise, if that says anything. I hope that it doesn't get worse this summer. At this precise moment she has some friends over and they sound like a herd of hippos clopping around up there. I will keep my cool for now, seeing it is only 8:38pm, but if this continues well into the night, I will have to say something. Common courtesy, I think some people seriously lack it.
Now that I went off on that tangent, back to the activities of the day... Ayden and I got out his lincoln logs because he got them for Christmas and has played with them maybe twice since, so I decided that we needed to do some building. And that is just what we did. We had a lot of fun!
After Ayden's nap this afternoon we went to the library. We went more for me than for Ayden. With nothing to worry about school wise (or I should say, nothing I'm wanting to worry about right now) I've been dieing to start a book. I have a whole shelf of my bookshelf filled with books that have been calling, no screaming my name for the past couple of days. Ashley pick me up! Read me! And so today I gave in and decided to take Ayden to the library and get us both some books. Ayden wanted the 'green dinosaur one' that he hated to take back so bad the last time we went and I got two for myself. At least now Ayden understands that we can't keep the library books and that we need to take them back for other little kids to look at as well. While we were there we also had fun playing with the trains and kitchen stuff. It's almost as good as the Children's Museum, of which we haven't been to in a while either. We have a year's membership that I suppose we should put to some good use this summer.
I still need to finish packing for tomorrow, but that can get done in the morning before we leave. As you can tell, I really don't like doing it. Ghost Whisperer was on tonight and it was really good. The season finale (along with a few other season finales) will be on next week and I really don't want to miss it. They all look super good.
Time to go read now... yeah... I get to delve into a good story! I'm super excited! (Insert image of me jumping up and down in super delight, lol)
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