Thursday, May 15, 2008


Jack- What does that spell?! DONE! That's right, I am officially done with the semester and I could not be happier. Well, okay I could. Here's the deal, I got to school early enough this morning in preparation for my audiology test. I was meeting up with my friends (in othe words, my ComD girlies) and we were going to have a good ole study session. Like we really get any studying done at these things. Well, it ended up being us 5 and two other girls from our major. And of course we did get some studying done, but we also ranted and raved about the class and the way the teacher was possibly going to lay out this exam. After all, our last class/study time/question asking session the teacher pretty much told us nothing about what would be on the test. So, here we are with four chapters of material to study and we are all cramming in into our heads, along with the crazy hand gestures we were associating with the material. I know, I know, we really are a crazy bunch when we get together. The laughter did not stop coming and I felt bad for those around us who really were trying to study. In any case, it's not as if we were in the library or something.

Fast forward to test time... 50 point exam and it is 4 pages of writing. Yes, you did read that right, 4 pages! I couldn't believe it. I wrote for an hour straight and my hand was cramped to the max by the time that I got done. I am not expecting a 100% on the test, afterall, I only needed a 35/50 to keep my A, but I would like to get at least a 40 or better. I don't know though because I wasn't too sure on some of the questions. Needless to say, our study session was nothing but cramming useless knowledge into our brain because she didn't ask a damn thing that we thought she would. I was unnerved, but I am glad to have gotten it over with!

Weather is great again today so Ayden and I will probably spend the afternoon outside, especially since I don't have to worry about any more homework. Tomorrow I plan on going to the library and getting him some more books. I looked and they have a story time on Monday nights and Kristi and I might start taking the kids. I think it would be lots of fun for them and then Kristi and I could hang out as well. She is just getting over a cold and the flu, which she so graciously got from Lily, who got it from daycare. And all during finals week. Really sucks to be her, but today she was looking better. Pretty high up on the drugs though. Gotta love those drugs!

Okay, well I took a break there for a while and now I am back. And as you can see, I found a way to add to my blog and even change the font, that is if it works when I 'publish' the post. Hopefully!

My afternoon went okay, not as well as I would have liked. While I was working on my computer Ayden came over and wanted to play a game with me. All fine and dandy and as I set him over on my knee I set him a little too far and all of a sudden I feel that we are tipping over in the chair. I make a grab at the edge of the table with one my arm and tried to keep a hold on Ayden with the other, but unfortunately it didn't work. My grab missed and we tipped over sidewise. Ayden thought it was rather amusing, but I smashed into my elbow/arm and my hip pretty bad on the floor. Thought I might have broken my elbow for a second there and almost passed out from the pain, but I didn't, thank goodness. However, I did have to go lay down for a while because it hurt so bad and Ayden didn't quite unerstand. He was upset because he wanted to play hide and seek with me and I was afraid that if I stood up I would pass out. Gradually the pain passed and I am able to function again, but the elbow is still a little sore. Ayden and I ended up watching a lot of tv this afternoon though as a result. Oh well...

Jay got his new computer monitor today. He was super excited to get it and set it up and I have to admit that for the price that he paid for it, we got one heck of a deal. The monitor is really nice and bigger than his last one and best of all it takes up about a 1/5 of the space. Greatness!

My little malacious plot got a little foiled today, but I suppose that it was all for the best. As things usually have a way of working themselves out. Needless to say, Jay and I are back on good terms, which is always a good thing, right? He found out that I was looking at his phone, well actually I kind of told him, and his response to not telling me was that he was 'testing' me to see if I would look at his phone and in a way I was 'testing' him as well to see if he would tell me the truth. We almost got into an argument about it, but kept calm and discussed things and I think we are on the right path again. At least I hope so.

I cut Jay's hair tonight. Well more like buzzed it, but it was still my first time. Figured might as well save the money and do it at home because they do the same darn thing at the salon only they charge you. Turned out fine, but dude, he has super thick hair. Give me some of that!

Enough babbling for tonight though. The season finale of ER is on tonight and I am going to finish watching the movie that I taped last night. Ciao! LOVE ME!