Saturday, May 31, 2008

Simple Saturday

Jack, we did not do a whole lot today which was pretty fine with me. Ayden slept in until around 8ish this morning and 8 is definitely better than 6:30am so I am fine with that. Besides, when you get up any later than 8 it seems like your morning is already pretty much gone. We had cinnamon rolls for breakfast. It has started to become some what of a tradition at our house on the weekend mornings. One morning, usually Saturday, we will make cinnamon rolls. They are so yummy too! And of course we don't make them from scratch. I really wouldn't know where to start with making them by scratch. I'd have to look up some recipe of some sort and it probably wouldn't turn out.

I started another new book last night. It's called The Year of Fog. Thus far pretty good, about 50 or 60 pages into it and it is about 400 pages long. I read for a while last night, but got really tired and fell asleep before 10pm. That has happened in a long time. Jay stayed up pretty late playing his game. He said that he was 'helping' people with quests. Whatever that means, but I was so out that I didn't even hear him come to bed. I didn't really care though.

We have a new neighbor moving in upstairs. I'm thinking it might be a bad thing, but I'm hoping that it doesn't get too out of hand. I think I probably mentioned my dislike of the current neighbor up there and the fact that her roommate had to move out because of the noise. Well, now that another friend has moved in I am hoping that the loud noise/parties do not start up. Just by the tone of the people when they were moving stuff in I have a bad feeling. They were very loud and obnoxious. In any case, I guess that we will just have to wait and see. I can only hope that they have to work all the time in order to afford the rent and that includes the weekends too! I wonder how many complaints management has to get before they can evict someone? Or maybe I should already program the police into my phone so I can call at the drop of a hat when the music gets too loud and annoying. Okay, I guess I should just see how it goes first. The neighbors behind us have been very good I have to say. Of course there are times when I can still hear there music, but it's expected in pretty much all apartments and it's not overly loud and annoying so I can deal. And I know that if I went over there and asked them to turn it down they would because they are nice.

Jay rearranged his computer setup today. We were going to move the desk from our bedroom into the kitchen to see if that would work better, but it got in the way of the closet door opening in the kitchen and thus didn't work. So then we went to Walmart to see if they had any desks that were under $50 that would be better than the current set up, but the one that would have been really nice was $100 and well we didn't really need it so we didn't buy it. We ended up keeping the same desk that we had for his computer in the same spot, but he just moved things around a little bit and it does actually work better.

We also went to the 'big blue park' today, but didn't stay for a whole long. We played in the sand and ran around going down all the slides and then Ayden said that he was ready to come home. I didn't really want to because I didn't want to deal with the noise of our neighbor moving in, but they were not here when we got back. Actually on our way home Jay decided that he wanted some ice cream and so we stopped at Culvers and all got concrete mixers. There went our supper considering by this time it was already 4:30pm. Jay and I ate all of ours and Ayden ate about half of his. Currently Ayden is eating a sandwich and some Doritos for the rest of his supper. I am not hungry yet and probably will just have a sandwich myself a little later. I can't believe how fast today went, it seems like I just got up.

Ayden and I took nice naps this afternoon. I didn't really sleep, but rested for a while. I was reading and couldn't keep my eyes open any longer to concentrate so I shut them and listened to the TV. Ayden actually slept which was good.

Tomorrow I will probably do some laundry. Jay said he would like to make some potatoes on the grill again before the ones that we bought go bad and I always like grilling out. And the weather is supposed to be pretty nice and warm! CIAO! LOVE ME!