Thursday, May 8, 2008


After I got Ayden to bed last night and finished writing to you, I got off the computer and layed down on the couch with Jay. Yeah, you read that right, he was off the computer already, at like 8:30pm! I couldn't believe it! And this is like two days in a row. I don't know if it had anything to do with him having been working a lot lately and just being tired, because he's been neglecting writing his paper, or if he really just wanted to spend time with me. Well actually I think he had ulterior motives and he knew if he spent hours on the computer his chances would be dramactially decreased. In any case, we spent some time cuddling on the couch watching the end of Criminal Minds. It was really kind of nice.

We also spent a little bit of time talking about his grades. I asked him what he thought he was going to get and his response was 'My normal C's.' I don't think he quite gets it yet because you can't get into your major with 'Cs'! That's right, he's not even technically admitted into the business major yet because his business classes that he had taken at the time of changing his major were not high enough grades. You don't need a 3.5 GPA or anything to be in the major, maybe like a 2.0 or 2.5, but even still, I don't know if his current grades will get him up to that. How can you graduate without a major? But I don't want to be his 'mom' about his grades. I think I may have said that before. He started his paper last night, says he got about a page done and it's not due until Friday at 11pm so he has some time yet. He told me that he wasn't going back to work today after class so he could work on it then, but we will see how that goes. I just want to see him succeed. I know that he isn't me and doesn't share my same goals and ambitions, which is fine, I just get a little worried. It's called caring about him, lol.

This morning Ayden woke up in a pretty decent mood. We didn't have any 'Don't talk to me Mommy' going on which I was happy for. He picked out his clothes and got dressed like the big boy that he is! Then we talked about all of the things that we were going to be doing this weekend and that he needs to be a good boy for Mommy and Daddy while we are shopping and we will have a special surprise place for him to go. Don't know if he remembers all of the places that I told him we were going to go, but oh well. I think he thinks we are leaving today after daycare, but really not until Saturday morning. That means we will need to keep busy tomorrow.

I have to say that I didn't think I would keep this up to date on this whole blogging thing, seeing that my last attempt all but failed in a couple of days, but it does really feel good to get things out and written/ typed. Also, currently I have a lot more free time because the semester is coming to a close and no homework is being assigned. The only I have to worry about is studying for finals and finishing my IEP which neither are currently at the top of my list to do/ worry about. Have to say that overall I am relatively relaxed. YEAH!

Need to get going now, will maybe write some more tonight... CIAO!

-Ashley :)