Sunday, May 25, 2008


Jack...What would you say if I told you that we were moving? Would you freak out and be like, WHY? Well, didn't mean to get your hopes up, but we aren't. I found a nice looking duplex on the internet last night that was cheaper than where we are living now, a little smaller, but one more bedroom. Looked pretty decent from the picture online, so today Jay and I went on a little drive to the place to see how it looked in person, at least on the outside. The place was over in Plover, not too far from where we are now, but further from campus and this part of town. Unfortunately it did not look as appealing in person as the picture did and that halted our efforts in finding a new place. At least for now. We won't be moving unless we can find a duplex, maybe four plex, that is better than where we are now and cheaper. Not keeping my hopes up, but maybe there is someplace out there. I would really like the place to be in Stevens Point as well and not super far from campus. That was our little adventure for the day. We did some grocery shopping afterwards too and came up with a list of meal ideas for the next couple of days. For lunch Jay grilled out some hamburgers and pototes which were super good and tonight we are having homemade pizza and Jay is taking care of that too and said he would clean the kitchen tonight and give Ayden a haircut (which by the way is just buzzing his current hair off). Personally, I would like Ayden to keep the hair that he has and let it grow out a little more, but he insists that he wants it just like dads.

Ayden did a very good job at cleaning and helping around the house today. The main reason behind that was that Jay had informed Ayden that if he did this he would get a sticker tonight and that sticker would give him the 10 that he needed to get a prize. In fact, Ayden was able to get two prizes today because he got 10 stickers for some other category as well. You see, we have multiple things that Ayden can get stickers for. Simple reinforcement and it works. Categories include brushing his teeth everyday, cleaning up his toys every night before bed, eating good (which has been one of the best things we could have done because before this, Ayden was a very picky eater), making his bed (which doesn't happen a lot), putting his coat and shoes away, picking out his clothes and getting dressed, working on his letters, taking a good nap, listening to mom and dad, and helping around the house with extra things like laundry, sweeping, etc... If he gets 10 stickers in any category he gets a prize out of the prize bag. We have been doing this for a couple of months now, although not religiously EVERY night and it definitely has helped. Reinforcement versus punishment, although I'm not against time outs when they are necessary. And in the rare occasion when I've gone beyond my threshold he's even got a swift slap on the hand. Those are the ones that I regret afterwards, but he still loves me.

My favorite moments are when Ayden comes up to me for no reason at all and gives me a smooch or a squeeze (our terms for hugs and kisses) or tells me that he loves me. It puts an instant smile on my face! My little turkey! Life is good when Ayden is around.

One more day off tomorrow. Is kind of nice and then only three days of work. Jay's parents are going camping this upcoming weekend and have invited us along. I am not yet sure if I want to go. First off, camping isn't really my thing and secondly I don't like the amount of money we would spend on gas just driving there. I need to look at the other weekends that we are probably going home and weigh the options. Who knows, maybe I could con Jay into taking Ayden camping and I could go visit Lee?

YEAH RIGHT! Jay would definitely not go for that and really it's not like I want/need to see him that bad. Sometimes I wonder after all the things that he (Lee) has done to me how I could still talk to him, much less him be one of my dearest friends. He's hurt me in the ways that guys shouldn't be allowed to and lied to me more times than I can count, yet after all of that I would trust him with my life in a heartbeat. Maybe it's because I actually believe that he has changed and throughout it all we both have grown. We've shared our fair share of blaming each other, but in the end have gotten past our past. Or at least he has, I've tried. I still blame him for a few things, but have grown to learn that I can't hold it against him forever otherwise it will only hinder our friendship. We are at the point where we can tell each other anything and everything, whether we like it or not and get through it. I can totally say something that I know will piss him off and he will take it in stride. We've made a promise to each other that no matter what we will always tell each other the truth. I think that is what makes us such good friends. Although... even though as I type this I know I shouldn't be thinking it... but if he does get out in August, I think it will be much more difficult for us to be friends. All of the what ifs would start creaping back in... Okay, enough on that subject now. If I refuse to think about it or even the possibility of it things will be better.

Time to go help make some supper, or maybe not. Think I will let Jay take complete control of that for tonight. Soak it up while I can! CIAO! LOVE ME!