Saturday, May 24, 2008

Chillaxin Day...

Jack- yesterday and today were pretty much chillin out days which is fine by me. Yesterday we went to the library in the afternoon to get some new books for Ayden. I also got some books on tape for him to listen to and he seems to like them. And they even have computer games that you can check out. So we got a preschool one for him to play and he was playing it all by himself on the computer this morning. It was too cute to see him using the mouse and everything and getting the answers right. We also went to the beach yesterday. Of course the water is still freezing, but the weather was warm so Ayden played in the sand and of course went in a little bith with his feet. It was good to see that the water level had gone down quite a bit since the last time that we were there so I know that when it does warm up enough Ayden will still be able to walk across without it getting too high. After the beach we went to Arby's for supper. Believe it or not, but I had never been to Arby's before and it always looks SO good on the TV so we had to go. Ayden and I got the mini beef sandwiches and curly fries. They were so yummy! I want to go back again and again. At first Ayden didn't want to try the curly fries, but he reluctantly tried one and decided that he really liked them. And they were actually pretty good. Not spicy or anything and it wasn't super expensive either, but of course it cost enough.

After Arby's we went to Walmart to buy the National Treasure 2 movie. I just wanted to rent it, but because we watch the first one so much we decided to buy it because it was supposed to be pretty good and it was! I am glad that we bought it, and it was on sale so that was even better. It was longer than I thought it would, but well worth the money. We also got some more prizes for Ayden's price bucket and I found out that the V-Smile Pocket that I want to get him for his birthday is only $50 at Walmart which is great because it was $70 or $80 the last time I saw it at Target. So that is definitely what I am going to get him for his birthday and then I will tell others they can get him more games for it because they are like $20 a pop as well, if you can't find them onsale. In any case, it was a good quick shopping trip.

Today Jay and I went through our filing cabinet and moved some stuff to our safe, finally! We've had the safe since Christmas and still didn't have anything important in it so I thought we might as well make some use of it. We also pitched out any old bills that we didn't need and organized it a little better and then Jay and Ayden had some fun shredding all the important things with numbers and everything else on it. Ayden had fun and Jay had even more reminding Ayden every five seconds about keeping his fingers away from the opening. It was cute to watch.

Lunch was early today and Ayden is currently in our bed watching Jurasic Park on our TV before he takes his nap. It is my hope that he actually falls asleep during the movie like he did last time, but you can never tell with that kid. He also was asked to pick up his room this morning because he got a bunch of toys out last night before he fell asleep and he complied, but not without some whining and fake crying. But he came through like a champ and actually surprised me. The floor was spotless when I went and checked it out. His reward for that was being able to paint and he painted a wonderful picture of a water park (or so he says that is what it is). He is so creative at times!

So I've been thinking about getting a membership to the YMCA lately. It is super expensive, I know, but Ayden's swimming lessons (once a week for six weeks) will cost us $52 and a one month membership for our family would be about $60 and we could do whenever we wanted for that month. I also checked the pool schedule and Ayden and I could so swimming after daycare three times during the week and the weekends. That would get us out more and get more use of our money. Jay could also go and use the facilities as well. I also read online that the YMCA doesn't want to turn anyone down because of their high prices and that you could possibly get financial help to afford a membership and I'm thinking that we might just qualify for something like that. I need to go and check it out, but even so, it would still be something to consider even if we had to pay the whole price. Even if it's only for a month.

I finally started a new book... Bridget Jone's Diary, but it's not the first one, I think it's the second one. Thus far it's pretty good, but I'm only like 40 pages into it. Slower reading than the last ones and it's taking a little more to get into it, but I think I will read the whole thing. I have four other ones lined up after this one that I want to read as well. Have to keep my brain stimulated somehow during the summer, right? Especially since my reading time gets cut supremely short during the school year.

The sun is shining beautifully again today, we are going to have to go outside this afternoon. Probably get the bikes out again.