Monday, May 12, 2008

Nosy Me... Oops!

Jack... Honestly, I've been working hard at this no checking Jay's phone thing and have been doing good for a few days, but it got the best of me today and I so wanted to check his phone when he got home from work. However, while he was in the shower I could not find his phone. Part of me thought maybe he hid it from me and another part thought maybe he left it in his vehicle. So I went on a mad hunt around the apartment trying to find it while he was showering and no such luck. As it would happen, it was in his truck. Maybe it was a good thing that I didn't go look out there to see if that was where it was. But on the downside I haven't been able to get my hands on it since then. He never puts the damn thing down. I know though, being a snoopy girlfriend is not a very good thing. I did ask him what time he came to bed last night and he said around 1:30, even though I knew it was 2. I just wanted to see what he would say. He told me that the people he was helping needed more help than they had originally let on and he was too nice to just leave them. I want to believe him, but you never know. I know, get over it Ashley... it will only cause rifts that don't need to be there. Sometimes I still wish that he would just give up that game, he made it to the top level, say you conquered it and get over it. It's literally worse than like playing PS2... it's Jay's drug of choice, lol. At least the semester is soon to be over with and he won't have to worry about screwing up his grades by lack of carrying for them. I complain too much, don't I? Well, deal with it, right?! My choice of expression equals venting to the max!

Our afternoon went rather well. I finished up my take home exam and cleaned up around the apartment. I should have done some laundry, but didn't really get around to it. I also read some more and totally didn't do any extra studying. Ayden and I went to the small brown park for a little while and had fun swinging and going down the slides. We also played with the lincoln logs again when we got home. He likes to watch me build the houses. His talent is building boats out of the roof pieces. He also likes to try and build a bridge. He's getting better.

Ayden ended up in bed a little earlier than normal tonight. He was getting a little out of control energy wise and needed to calm down a little. Plus, Monday night is my night to watch TV... Little People Big World and John and Kate Plus 8 (love them!) and I couldn't hear over his yelling and screaming. He was jumping up and down on Jay and literally like beating the guy up. It was too funny. There's that Hoerth wrestling in the blood coming out. It was too cute. I should have taped it. In any case, he brushed his teeth, we did stickers and Jay read to him and now he is playing in his room until I decide to turn his 'Bart Simpson light' off which is normally around 9pm. It gives him some down time at the end of the day to relax and get ready to sleep. Sometimes he is already asleep by the time I turn off the light, other nights he stays awake until 10pm in bed just talking and playing. Fine with me, although those times he is sometimes cranky in the morning. Not always good. Lol.

So I've been thinking about going to see Lee again, but unlike other times, it's really not high on my priority list right now. I haven't been to see him since September and really it doesn't even seem like that long. We always have a great time when I visit and the day goes super fast. I couldn't believe how fast the day went the last time I went to go see him. Before I knew it, it was time to go. Kind of bitter sweet in a way because we got along so great, but I know Jay dispises him. But I've come to acknowledge that and have learned to live with it. We've definitely come a long way in a short while so I will take what I can get.

I got a Mother's Day card from my friend Kristy who lives in Vermont. It was so sweet. I also got a nice message from my other friend from Vermont, Mike, saying Happy Mother's Day. It felt nice to have people say it to me. I love being a mommy... nothing better than that in the whole entire world! And when Ayden said it to me, my heart melted all over. While we were at the park today he was climbing on something that he probably shouldn't have been, but I was keeping a close eye on him. Anyways, when he got the top and was standing there I realize just how big he is. My little boy is growing up right before my eyes. He's not so little anymore! I saw an old picture of him yesterday at my mom's house and I couldn't believe how small he used to it. It is so weird to think that he is almost four years old. If we've made it this far, I'm thinking we can pretty much make it through anything. Well, I know that we can make it through anything!

Babble babble babble... I know... LOVE ME