Thursday, May 1, 2008

My Family

Jay, Myself, and Ayden

Jack- The rest of my day went pretty well actually. Despite my two psych class I stayed in a pretty good mood. My personality one went pretty fast, although it usually does. I love that teacher. My biological one went super slow as always. I can't stand listening to that professor. Well maybe it is just the material, but I cannot wait for it to be over. I so need to rewrite my notes for that class, but super don't want to do it. Although who would? It does help though because when I am writing them during class they end up so sloppy and I'm a crazy nut when it comes to needing things neat. Oh well though. So yeah, my classes were good and then I went to go pick Ayden up. We came home and had ramen noodles because I didn't have any lunch and he loves sharing them with me. Afterwards we cleaned his room and Jay used the carpet cleaner on it. The only room that we have left to do is the living room. Who knows when that will get done. Oh well though. Just got done reading to Ayden before bed time so I thought I would get on here for a little while. Ayden is still awake in his room, a good thing because then maybe he will sleep in tomorrow. And by sleep in I mean until like 8am. Last weekend we got 9am two days which was nice, however I find it hard to even sleep until then because by the time I decide to get showered and dressed those days it's already 11am and the day is like half gone. So really 8am is a good time to get up. I don't mind, and I can't hardly sleep past 9am the way it is anyways. Consequence of having a kid I guess. I guess I could probably sleep past 9am if I stayed up all night, but my usual bedtime is between 10 and 11pm.

Okay, so I titled this post 'My Family' so maybe I should talk about them a little. I have been dating my boyfriend, Jay, for a little over 4 1/2 years now. I can't believe it's been that long! We currently live in Stevens Point and both attend UWSP. With all luck we will both be graduating next year. Well I will be for sure, who knows about Jay. I love living in Point. I hear so many of my classmates talking about needing to get out of Point because it is so boring, but I'm pretty content. For being a college town I don't really think it's that bad. There is of course the 'bad parts' to live in, but that mostly refers to the run down college apartments or houses. We have been fortunate enough to live in two great apartments away from all of that. I think it's a great place to raise children as well. The one downside is the distance to family. It takes about an hour and a half to get 'home' from here, but we've been pretty accustomed to the drive so it doesn't really feel like that long. I don't really have anything against Chilton, I just don't want to live there permanently so Point works for me. I can't really say where my career will lead me after graduate school.

Jay and I have a 3 1/2 year old son named Ayden. He will be four in August and it's coming WAY too soon. He will be starting pre-k at his daycare in the fall. Where does the time go? It seems like only yesterday he was starting to walk and now he's learning to write his name. He is my light and joy and what makes everyday worth it. I've often wondered what life would be like without Ayden, but I cannot begin to imagine because I wouldn't have it any other way. I guess I was meant not to have the 'normal' college experience which is fine with me. I probably wouldn't have liked dorm life anyways. I don't party, drink, or like lots of loud music. Lol. I'm content going though life with what I'm dealt and will always try to make the best of it.

This weekend is going to be a weekend of getting projects done... projects that I don't even want to think about, but at least the weather will be bad so I won't be tempted to go outside. On Saturday, me and two of my friends are going to a social gathering at one of my professor's house for the ComD major. Should be fun, I guess. Kind of nerve wracking going to a professor's house, but at least I won't be alone. Lol... I'm pretty much only going because my friends don't want to go alone and they want to see her house. We are some crazy girls, but we have so much fun together. I would not have made it this far in the major without them. This past year they have been my grade savers, lol. Because of them I try harder and I skip class way less. Actually, I haven't skipped a class yet this semester. I missed one because of a doctor's appointment, but not because I didn't want to go. Although, there have been times when I would have like to skip my bio psych class because it is so damn boring, but if we attend every class we get five extra bonus points on our tests and I'm telling you, I need it.

ER is on tonight... good show. Oh and guess what?!?!? Prison Break is coming back for a Season 4 and Sarah IS ALIVE! So excited that I get my Wentworth Miller time back. Who knows when it will start airing again, but there is hope. Like seriously, this guy is drool worthy. Or maybe it's just met. Just thinking about him makes me smile...
