Friday, May 2, 2008

Good end to a bad start

Jack- So this afternoon was nothing like I thought it was going to be. I didn't know when Jay would be home from work because of the weather, but he ended up getting home around 2:30pm. I was taking a little nap on the couch while Ayden was napping as well. The surprising thing was that he started talking to me like nothing had happened earlier in the day. I was shocked, but I wasn't going to say anything to further fuel the fire. We had a relatively good afternoon. Jay did some homework and then we went to the store to get a few things and some groceries. Spent enough money, but doesn't that always happen. Ayden behaved pretty well and we had a yummy supper when we got home. I made beef tips (easy ones I could microwave, and they were delicious) and some yummy red potatoes. Ayden even ate some, which I was surprised about because he can be a picky eater sometimes.

All in all, I don't really know if anything between Jay and I is fixed, but I guess time will tell. I feel that maybe in my last post I made him sound like a neglectant father as well and that is certainly not the case. He loves Ayden to pieces and does spend time with him and what not, just not as much as I would like I guess. Or maybe it's like he doesn't go out of his way to do things with Ayden. Like anything extra. See, we switch off on reading to Ayden each night and the other night it was Jay's turn and he had just sat down to do homework so I was expecting him to ask me to read to Ayden, but he got up and did it. I was surprised, yet happy. And I know that Ayden enjoys those minutes right before bed time when we read to him. It's his alone time with us each day.

So I got a pretty decent amount of homework done today. Not everything by far though. I still have a three page paper to write by Tuesday for my personality class. But I did get my observation write up done, my reaction papers, some of my progress report, my soap notes and reflections, and some of the AR plan. That stupid AR plan. Well maybe I should say that stupid neighbor of mine that is supposed to be working on it. It has been me and Ciera that have done most of the work. My neighbor (who I should say that lives above me and is noisier than all get out at times) was supposed to email me with the name of two tests earlier this past week and she still hasn't. I need those names to finish the project, but like yeah right. It will get done though.

I made some brownies tonight for the ComD social gathering tomorrow. I really wanted to make yummy carmel bars, but I couldn't find the recipe and didn't feel like calling my mom for it. I was really craving one while walking through the store though. They are so good and I hate cooking. Hate it with a passion! And who is the one that gets stuck doing it most of the time? Me of course!

Ayden and I had a pretty good morning after Jay left. We needed to move all of his stuff back into his room because we cleaned the carpet last night and he was a super helper at organizing everything with mommy. I am super organized most of the time. I even have labeled bins for his toys. Well at least that way he knows where things are. Otherwise they are everywhere and he is missing pieces to everything. Although, he was looking for a specific toolbox today and I for the life of me could not find it. I checked every available spot more than once and it was no where to be found. I really have no idea where it is and I feel bad because he really wanted it. He's over it already though. Typical kid.

I'm so not looking forward to colder weather tomorrow. Today was dreary enough. Bring on the sunshine and warmness. Ayden keeps asking if we can go to the beach. Gees, take the kid once when it's 80 outside and he thinks anytime the sun is out we can go. Not to mention the water temp is like only 40. We only played in the sand, well I did. Ayden of course had to go into the water. I couldn't believe he could stand the temp. I only let him go up to his knees, but of course he got his whole shorts almost wet. It was fun though and I can't wait until it warms up and we can actually go there for swimming. It's really a lot of fun!

Okay, I have a thing of Ben and Jerry's ice cream waiting for me in the freezer and it is literally screaming my name right now. Ashley.... EAT ME!!!! And so I guess that's what I'll do. Afterall, who can seriously turn down ice cream?!

-Ashley :)