Here are some pictures from this past weekend...
Ayden playing his preschool game on Dad's computer. He really knew what he was doing!
Jacky Jack Jack! The weather outside is gorgeous today, as it should be after the massive storms we had come through last night. We were in our first tornado watch of the summer and I thought that since we moved to Point we were out of the strong weather area (back in Chilton they always seem to get tornado warnings and what nots in the summer) but here we had some strong storms last night. I didn't even know that we were supposed to get any until it just started to down pour. There was like no notice and then the rain starts. Of course then it gets darker and starts to thunder and lightening. I decided to turn on the local channels to see what we were in for. Jay's friend, JT, said that over in Minnesota by them they had a few tornados. We were lucky here and just got a TON of rain (which from what I've heard, we needed) and some boomers and lightening. Nothing too bad. Ayden didn't even get scared either.
So, yeah... the weather is marvelous today and we headed off to the park around 10am this morning. Jay even decided to come and had tons of fun there. We were there for about an hour and a half and the first hour was spent in the sandbox. Well Jay and Ayden spent it there. I sat next to it watching them. They built a huge sand castle, well kind of huge.
It was a fun time! Currently Ayden is taking a nap, or supposed to be taking on. I haven't checked in on him in about a half hour. As long as he is 'resting' it's okay. Jay promised that he would get to watch the dinosaur movie if he took a good nap. Yeah, like that kid really needs to watch that again. I think we might go outside and do some bike riding. That sounds like more fun! And the more fresh air the better, right? Not like I have anything else planned anyways. Okay, so I just heard talking coming from Ayden's room which means he is not sleeping. Mom thinks that is okay.
I really need to cut my finger nails. I used to like them nice and long before I became a mom, but after Ayden was born, for functionality reasons, mostly because Ayden liked to suck on them and/or I didn't want my long nails scratching him, I have kept them short and thus I have grown to like them that way. They really aren't even that long right now, but they are kind of annoying me. I just haven't had the ambition to cut them. Sort of like not having the ambition to do anything with my hair for the last three days. It is finally long enough again where I can put it all up in a pony tail or claw clip without most of it falling down. I still have to clip a few of the side strands back, but it still is nice not to have to blow dry it and add all the styling products. But that only takes about 10 minutes the way it is anyways so if you can't tell, I really was lacking ambition. I'm a mom, I'm allowed to do that. Lol!
Jay has been talking more and more about wanting a dog. Obviously because we are living in an apartment we cannot get one, but I told him when we find our house in however many years, we will get one for him and one for me. Two dogs you gasp! Yes... you see, Jay wants a chocolate lab and I want a pug dog. Jay turns his nose up at that because he thinks they are ugly and useless (I think they are cute and adorable) and he really wants the lab for a hunting dog. I don't particularily care for labs, but I'm sure we can compromise.
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