Sunday, May 18, 2008

Twilight Series

Jack... Okay so I am completely and utterly addicted to the book Twilight already... so much so that I haven't been able to put it down today. I have about 160 pages left in the first book and I just went out and bought the next two this morning along with another one that sounded good. Probably shouldn't have spent the money on them (I took a look at our bank account status this morning and it's lacking a little more than I would like for the summer just beginning, however not enough for me to completely start freaking out yet... We just need to start watching where our money is going a little closer) In any case, I HAD to get the two sequels and will probably have them finished in less than two weeks. They are each over 400 pages, I think one is almost 600! Hopefully the weather is nice so I can sit outside during Ayden's naps and read.

So anyways, I just had to write that I can't stop reading, even though I have stopped now to write this. Our day thus far has been rather uneventful. Jay has spent most of his day on his game... actually fine with me because I'm so involved with my book. But we've also taken breaks from those things to build once again with the lincoln logs with Ayden. I think this afternoon we might get out the geo tracks and build something with those. The last time we got those out (a few weeks ago) Ayden got pretty upset with how I was doing things and that was that, we put them away. I am more than willing to play with him, actually love to do it, but I will not tolerate it when he cannot share and demands his own way. He needs to know his boundaries. Last night we were kidding around and the kid bit me and he knew what he was doing because right before he did it I told him that we only pretend to bite and not even 30 seconds later he takes a chuck out of my arm. Okay, not literally, but he left a mark through the sweatshirt I was wearing. Needless to say he ended up in time out rather quickly. Love the kid to death, but he needs to know what is acceptable and what is not.

He ended up taking a nap on the futon today. He watched some cartoons after his lunch and I told him that if he stayed on the futon he could take his nap there. After the show as over I turned the TV off and he fell asleep. I was surprised, but at least he won't be crabby this afternoon. Him and I need to make a trip the the grocery store to get some cheese. We forgot some the last time we went and he says that we NEED to get some. Seeing the store isn't very far I guess I can expend the gas that it will take to get there and get some.

Good news! New baby in the family! And no, that doesn't mean Ayden is getting a new brother or sister. Jay's aunt, Mandy, finally had her baby. It's a little boy named Quinn Joesph McCarty and the pictures were adorable that she emailed! It just sucks that she lives in Iowa! We probably won't get to see the little guy in person until August at the family reunion, unless she comes up earlier for some reason, but with the price of gas I wouldn't blame her if she didn't. At least now we will know what she goes through not being able to see any of us. But it will be nice to have another baby in the family since Ayden was the youngest and he will soon be four. Now we need Sam to tell us she's pregnant or for Jen to have another one so Quinn will have someone to play with. I think Ayden lucked out on playmates. On Jay's mom's side there is Baden who is exactly two months older than Ayden, however I don't exactly know how they are related. I think Baden's mom is Jay's cousin or second cousin. In any case... they get along great. On my dad's side there is Alexis, of course, and for those of you who don't know, my half sister who is three weeks younger than Ayden, and then my couisn Mitchell, although we don't get to see him all that often. On Jay's dad's side there are too many little ones to name now. Right before Ayden there is Hunter I think and after him... well they don't seem to stop coming. And on my mom's side there is my cousin Amanda's eldest, Amelya. So all around he has someone to play with which is good. It just kind of bites living so far away that we don't get to see everyone more often.

And with the rising price of gas, I'm afraid to even see what the total of us going home will cost us. Already we have quite a few weekends booked for traveling and I'm beginning to wonder if maybe we shouldn't cancel some of those to make sure we can make it through the summer financially. I just don't know. I hate not going home like once every 6 weeks or so because even I miss seeing everyone and I know that they miss Ayden, well and of course me and Jay, but I think Ayden more so, lol. Who wouldn't miss that cutie?!

Now I need to organize our kitchen closet and do some more laundry, it's never ending around here. Ciao! LOVE ME