Monday, May 5, 2008

Lesson Learned: Sam does not equal Sarah (however still a bit jealous)

Jack- Okay, so Jay and I had a talk last night, although I almost chickened out about this whole Sam thing. Acutally I didn't even bring it up, he did sorta. I had purposedly stayed out in the living room until like 10pm, kind of unusual for me because I usually lay down in bed at least by 9pm to watch some TV before bed. My relaxation time of the day. So yeah, I stayed in the living room until 10 to see if he would call her or if she could call him, but nothing happened. He was of course playing his game, but that really didn't bother me. As I'm getting up to go to bed he tells me to come over by him to give him a kiss and I don't (mostly just because I didn't feel like it, not because I was mad or anything). Anyways, I got ready for bed and then couldn't get the toliet to stop running (sometimes happens) so I called to Jay to have him fix it and I crawled into bed. Well he just had to wiggle something or lift something and all was well. Damn men how they can fix things so easily. Well afterwards he came into the bedroom and asked if I was mad about anything and so I took the opportunity and told him that I kind of was. And he asked why and I told him that he talked on his phone too much. Then he asked what I was talking about and I told him that I thought he knew. Of course he did, what else could I be refering too. So he was kind of upset that I went looking through his phone, but I was upset that he didn't tell me. I fired back at him if he would like it if I talked to Lee on the phone for two hours every night after he went to bed and he said that he might be okay with that. Oh I called his bluff on that one because despite him being better about our letter writing he would in no way be okay with that. Well then he said that he would stop talking to her if that is what I wanted and that is not what I want (okay some part of me kind of wants that) but after hearing more of his story I can't do that. I told him that I want him to have friends and to be able to talk to them and I don't want to take Jay away from Sam because she really enjoys talking to him. Afterall, she just moved, her husband is in Iraq, she stays at home with her son all day and virtually knows no one else where she is at, I can't really take away the one friend that she can sort of relate to right now, can I? Jay told me that he would talk to her a little less and let me know when they talk and what they talk about. Obviously at first he must have felt some sort of guilt for talking to her and not telling me because when he talks to JT he tells me everything they talk about, but maybe now things will get better. I dunno, I am still a little jealous, but he said he would make more of an effor to talk to me more as well. After it all, things were good I guess. I am going to make a super effort not to look at his phone as long as he is telling me what they talk about. Not so much like I NEED to know, but it just helps a little I guess. He came to bed at a decent time last night. I was still awake. I so could not fall asleep last night. Damn nap I took yesterday afternoon led to falling asleep after 1am. At least I will sleep good tonight. Can't wait to watch Little People Big World and John and Kate Plus 8! Actually, I can't wait until Prison Break is back on. Lol!

One day down, three more to go. I was supposed to give a presentation today for my Audiology class, but it got pushed back to Wednesday. I guess that is okay, but I spent the whole class period getting fired up about giving it only to have to wait. Nothing too huge, but I just wanted it to be over with. I finished my last personality paper tonight, didn't have a whole to add to it. Hopefully I get a good grade.

Jay is going to have to work late this week because they are so behind. In one respect it's money, and in another, it's less time we get to spend together. I know he really loves his job though so all is good. Although, I know that he misses working with JT on a daily basis. He would always come home with some good stories then. I've been spoiled for the past few years with Jay not having to work long hours all week. He works enough, but I can't imagine him coming home at 6 or 7pm every night. I don't know what I would do. I understand that sometimes it's just something that has to happen and I can't imagine what kind of hours Jay will have if he one day does start his own business. I guess when the time comes, we will work through it, as with everything else.

I hadn't planned on going home until after finals, but Jay's grandparents really want him to come home this weekend to help put the peer in. Jay said that he would go and take Ayden and I could relax for the weekend and maybe I should take him up on that offer, but I just think that I would be bored all weekend and would not study anyways. I have a final bright and early next Monday morning, UGH! So I think that I might go home with him and we can hit up Barnes and Noble for my GRE study guide, Monkey Joe's (my friend Kristi said it was so much fun with Lily), and then maybe do some other summer clothes shopping. Who knows? Not that I need to spend any more money, but if I find something that I really like. Lol... And I have been really good on the clothes buying lately with trying to pay off all of my credit cards. Almost there! Props to me! And I need to get something for my mom for mother's day. We'll see...

Overall, I'm just glad that Jay and I talked some more and things are 'good' again!

-Ashley :)


D.M. said...

Ashley - How did you create your blog layout? It's soooooooo cute. Was this a template??